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Nearly a month after the initial breakdown in the bathing room, Aelia had had three other treatments with Orissa and her body was so tired, that she could barely make it down the steps of the tower. Lorelei had made her take an energy tonic so that she didn't crash in the middle of the corridor. She was supposed to go visit Queen Georgina, but she did not have the will to pretend to enjoy her company.

She knew that Dorian was in a string of meetings today, so she figured she could hunt down Celaena. She was nearly to the champions wing when she paused. The first thing she felt was her heartbeat quicken; like her body knew something her mind didn't. The next thing she sensed was copper. Her face drained at that point. No. Not another body.

Aelia picked up her skirts and rushed as quickly down the hall as she could. When she rounded the corner leading to the servants' passage, she ran straight into a body, resulting in herself being pushed to the floor. She heard a familiar hiss and looked up to see Chaol reaching down to help her up.

"Good Gods, Aelia." It was almost an insult.

Chaol pulled her up to standing and when he stabilized her, he saw her wide eyes.

He quickly shook his head. "No. Go back to the tower."

"But, there's another body."

"I don't care. Go back to the tower."

Aelia turned to Celaena, who was with the man, to pled for help, but the assassin, too, shook her head.

"You've seen enough, Aelia."

Aelia let out a breath. "I'll be able to sense things you both can't. Let me help."

Chaol stood firm. "Aelia, no."


The captain flinched at the sudden strike of her tone, but he held his ground.

"You haven't been able to get out of bed for over a week. What makes you think, you'll be able to stand the sight of another mangled body?"

Aelia grit her teeth. She was not going to appear as weak.

"I'm a lot stronger than you think, Chaol. It's your choice. I go with you with or without an order."

Chaol sighed; he didn't want to have to try to get around her order.

"Fine, but you stay by the guards. Let Celaena and I handle it."

Aelia's nose flared, but before she could order Chaol, Celaena stepped forward.

"She's right, Chaol. She'll be able to sense way more than we can."

The captain was nearly red in the face. "Fine. Just...Stay by either of us."

Aelia let her sudden anger diffuse as she nodded.

Slacking only a step behind, Aelia still skidded to a halt behind Celaena. Aelia had tried to keep the stench of blood from wafting up her nose, but it was incredibly difficult.

As instructed, Aelia stayed by Celaena and Chaol as the captain pushed his way through the crowd that had gathered when they finally beheld the body. Aelia feared that Chaol had been right. She had to grip onto Celaena's shoulder to keep from passing out. She honestly didn't know where to look first. This body was significantly worse than the other two. The poor man's brain was missing.

Aelia tried to keep her stomach from heaving, but her body had other plans. She hurried to the corner and vomited. Not that she had eaten much that day anyway. When she was all out of anything to throw up, she straightened enough to hear Chaol speak to a guard.

A Blade from the Wastes - Throne of GlassWhere stories live. Discover now