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The music and chatter rang in Aelia's ears and she had to hum to herself to keep the shrill of the sounds from overwhelming her. When she leaned over to get Dorian's attention, she noticed that the prince was basically asleep, though he tried to hide it. Aelia gently elbowed him in the side and he discretely perked up. Aelia, too, wanted nothing more than to slouch in her throne next to Dorian's. She loved her Mother-in-Law, but the woman was flamboyant in a way. Aelia supposed that it was to hide just how feeble she was.

"Dorian, my dear. You're sulking."

Dorian let out a breath and gave his mother an apologetic grin.

"I received a letter from Hollin. He sends his love."

Aelia nearly grit her teeth. She hated the young prince.

"Did he say anything else?"

The queen kept her head high. "Only that he loathes school and wishes to come home."

Dorian nearly rolled his eyes. "He says that in every letter."

Queen Georgina sighed. "If your father didn't prevent me, I'd have him home."

Dorian went to speak, but Aelia smelt his ill will, so she gave a polite smile to the queen.

"Hollin is learning great skills while in school. I fear that if he came back home, he might neglect his studies. We'd want him well versed in the best, wouldn't we?" Aelia gave Dorian a tight glance and the prince nodded.

Georgina took in Dorian's near boredom. "You were better behaved. You never disobeyed your tutors. Oh, my poor Hollin. When I am dead, you'll care for him, won't you?"

Dorian's eyes widened. "Dead? Mother, you're only-"

"I know how old I am." She leaned forward slightly. "Which is why you both must produce an heir. And soon."

Dorian tilted his head. "Mother, you know of Aelia's condition. A child would be a miracle."

The queen gave a slight smile. "There are ways to ensure that one gets pregnant. Perhaps we could all work together to take the proper steps."

Aelia wiped the slight shock from her face. "Dorian and I would love any help. Gods know I would love to successfully carry a child." She plastered a smile on her face.

Georgina clasped her hands together. "Excellent! I'll have one of my ladies fetch the specialist. She is the best in Adarlan. She even helped us with Hollin." Georgina smiled. "Oh, now I can hardly wait." She turned and waved at one of her ladies-in-waiting

A short lovely woman with strawberry hair and a lilac dress approached the queen.

"Delilah, dear. Would you please send word to Orissa Fartherknot? If you could have her here by late afternoon, that would be splendid."

Delilah smiled and curtsied. The redhead was off with a bounce in her step. Aelia eyed Dorian and she felt the nervousness in her stomach. Though, she shouldn't be. She'd speak with Dorian, in detail, about how they shouldn't worry.

Dorian turned to his mother. "Well, I think we should be going. I promised Aelia a duel in the garden." Dorian stood and held out a hand to Aelia.

Georgina tisked. "Oh, you both need to restrain yourselves when you spar. The bandages I've seen on the two of you!"

Aelia stood and smiled down at the queen. "It was lovely to see you today. Do let us know when Ms. Fartherknot arrives."

Georgina smiled. "Of course. Good day."

Aelia gave a gentle curtsy and let Dorian lead her out of the noisy banquet hall and into the quiet corridor. When they were out of earshot of the guards, Dorian hissed down at Aelia.

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