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Aelia snapped her head up from her book and listened closely. She had heard a gasp, and a growl had her up and out of the library in a second. With speed that she was used to, she hurried down the corridors and to the sound that was across the estate. When she followed the sound, she pushed open Thesrah and Barrow's bedroom door and the ripping and gnawing is what had her rooted to her spot.

The room had been taken up by a giant black wolf that had pinned Thesrah on the floor in a pool of blood. Thesrah reached a bloody hand out in a silent command to run, but the girl was stuck. The wolf hadn't seen her yet and continued to eat his way up Thesrah's body. Aelia had to watch as the beast pulled Thesrah's heart from her body in one final motion. The light quickly slipped from Thesrah's eyes. Then the beast turned to Aelia.

The beast went to lunge at her, but Aelia was pulled from the room by strong arms. Barrow had hauled Aelia out of the room and down the hall without looking back. But Aelia looked. She saw the beast crash through the bedroom, hit the wall parallel then bound down the corridor. It barreled through the hall and Aelia was sure that she and Barrow were next. But the father figure crashed through the manor doors and through the trees on the estate. Aelia knew where they were headed, but before they could get to the cliff that was approaching ahead, she was falling through the air.

She landed on the grass with a shout, but she quickly righted herself and turned to see Barrow using his strength to keep the wolf's jaw from clamping down on his legs.

"Go! Aelia get to the bridge and run to Evalin. Don't stop. Aelia, don't stop!"

Aelia wanted to stay and fight, but she gave Barrow one last glance and turned to a run. She tried to shut out the sounds of sure death from behind her and pushed her legs faster.

She was so close to the two posts that held the bridge into place, but the wolf had clamped down on her hair and pulled her straight to her back. When she landed, all of the air was pushed from her lungs. She took only a heartbeat to gasp before she pushed to her feet. The wolf's deep black eyes met her golden ones. She fully expected for the wolf to lunge at her, but it took a step back and a flash of light emitted.

Aelia didn't take her eyes off of the light as a man emerged. A man with midnight hair and onyx eyes wore a gleaming smile.

"You're quick for a child."

Aelia tried to pull in deep breaths but didn't speak. The man started to prowl around her.

"You know if I wasn't sent for you, I might actually find you useful."

"Who are you?"

The man's smirk widened. "Look at that, she does speak. Where are my manners?" He dipped into a bow. "Name's Connall. And you must be Aelia Crochan."

Aelia pulled in a breath at her name. "Who sent you?"

Connall kept stalking. "My queen has sent me. I was told to retrieve you, but it was never specified if I had to bring you in dead or alive."

Connall went to lunge and Aelia pushed her hands forward. But the darkness that leached out wasn't strong enough to strike Connall. The man let out a low laugh.

"Ah, now that's a familiar power. Though, you aren't that strong are you, girl?"

Aelia turned her body to follow Connall, not once letting her back to him.

"Why were you sent?"

Connall hummed. "So many questions. Though, I'm just going to kill you so I could answer." A smirk. "I was sent to get rid of you so that your father doesn't find you."

A Blade from the Wastes - Throne of GlassOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora