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I do not own the story of Danny Phantom or the characters. I hope you enjoy this story and please review it!

I wrote this because I am so tired of my job at the moment. I am running at my wit's end. Luckily it is a summer job and is ending soon.

- FangirlWriter

Danny was working at Nasty Burger part-time while going to the community college in Amity Park. Of course, he was continuing his double life as the local hero Danny Phantom. All his days were long and utterly exhausting. His friendships were falling apart at the seams. Sam and Tucker were going to Sanford and MTI respectively.

Danny thought: long-distance friendships were hard. Especially when you had no time to talk or do anything.

Jazz was super worried about Danny. He wasn't talking to her often and when he did, he sounded dead. (I looked it up on , it is a synonym for exhausted. The pun entities smiled at me today.). Even Danny's parents noticed. And when Jack and Maddie (mostly Jack) notice anything is wrong, crap is going down.

So Jazz decided to incite an intervention for Danny.

So on one cloudy warm Saturday Jazz called Danny over to her apartment for an emergency. She felt slightly bad for lying but she knew it was that or picking up a flattened Danny off of the street because he couldn't beat one of his enemies later.

Danny phased through the apartment looking around wildly for the ghost that was supposedly in her apartment.

After he stopped looking Jazz said "Danny I am worried about you. You sound dead tired and you are about to flunk out of community college and get flattened because you couldn't keep up in a fight. I don't want to lose my only brother."

Danny with his eyes widening and his voice getting a notch higher said "Jazz I have no dang choice. If I don't do college, I will have fewer job opportunities and if I stop fighting my enemies Amity Park will become pure chaos. What in the world am I supposed to do, die?"

"Well, Danny let's talk this through. I think you should ask your allies in the Ghost Zone to help you out so you can get your homework and assignments done."

"Ok, that will work."

After a talk with his allies, they conclude that Danny wouldn't fight the low-level ghosts on weekdays or whenever he was really busy. After a few months of the new routine, Danny's deep-set eye bags faded and there were fewer attacks. Not enough to worry him.

Everything wasn't falling apart. All was well.

Danny Phantom One-Shots- From Clockwork's TowerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin