Graduating From You

Start from the beginning

"Better bring your A-game, mate." I wink at him and leave his room to get ready myself.


Simon drops me at the front of Manchester University and lets me join the other future graduates. I climb the stairs to the rendezvous point I was told to go to at the front door. I think about how thankful I am that Simon suggested dropping me off before joining the rest of the family at the house.

I'm so excited for them to be a part of this with me. They haven't been involved in any way in my life while I was studying. It's mainly my fault. I've pushed them away because my brothers disapproved of Steeve. They were right, but I was too blinded to see how deeply manipulated I was. I've denied my family for years because of him. They should have been my priority and not the other way around. I'm lucky they have forgiven me so easily... I'm glad to have them back into my life. Tonight is the start of a new beginning.

As soon as I reach the group of a hundred people, I realise I'm pretty late. They are already placed in line in alphabetical order. I ask around for everyone's last names to see where I fit in. I learn that people have been waiting in line for about twenty minutes without any further instructions. I have to wait an additional thirty minutes before we are called to the auditorium to practice our entrance, where to sit, and how to receive our diploma. We walk to our assigned seats once we've practised, and we follow more instructions. Thankfully now we have to wait seated. I would have expected an event like this to have been more organised than it is. We always seem to be waiting for something we are not aware of.

I get a little impatient. I shouldn't have worn heels today. I decide to take them off. I didn't even put them back on when we were all told to make our way back into the school's corridors as families and friends have now arrived to take place in the theatre.

I don't know why my mind plays tricks on me, but as I look through the windows to occupy myself while we all wait again, I seem to see Marcel from afar. I try to have a better look, but the man I thought was my ex-boyfriend disappears behind a moving car.

Hallucinations like this have happened frequently since I last saw him weeks ago. It's like I keep searching for him in crowded places. I keep wondering which book he is reading at that moment. I've tried so hard not to chase his ghost, and I've been doing fine, but like a ghost, our love wasn't real. What is real is my success with my studies and my story. And nobody can steal that from me. I've worked hard to achieve both. And that's all that matters.

The doors open widely in front of me and bring me out of my train of thoughts. The line slowly walks forward, and as soon as I set foot in the darkly lit auditorium, we are greeted by ceremonial music. I feel like a first-year going to Hogwarts, greeted by everyone. I feel all excited. It makes me smile. I did it! After all these years, I'm so happy to have grown so much and learned about myself. I can finally be me unapologetically.

I follow the line and take a seat where I have an hour earlier. I don't know where my family is seated, but I get overjoyed by the idea that they are here at all.

The dean starts by welcoming everyone and making a speech about the school's motto and that everyone here has become a better citizen of the world, blah blah blah. I tune out a little, getting overly stressed to go on stage and accept my diploma. A question that echoes within me is, what's next?!

I have a book tour across the UK and the US, and I've got my job as a foreign insider for Shelley Prinston from Montreal. Edith hasn't told me when she has scheduled my tour, but I guess it will not happen very soon. Since Paul was fired, we need another head of marketing to publicise my work.

"Joshua Hammonds."

"Victoria Haven."

I suddenly realise that the woman next to me has gotten up and is called to go on stage to graduate. My turn is next! I'm already supposed to be waiting by the scene to be called!

FALLEN: A New Adult Romance (First of the FALLEN Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now