Moving, Remembering & New Feelings

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Moving to London has been the quickest adaptation I have ever done. I have spent the entire week with Ash and the lads. They really have changed my mind from all things Marcel, and it's exactly what I needed. It has been challenging to have him out of my mind... and I also want to spend as much time with them before they go on tour and Sophie and I are left alone. They are very entertaining people. But it's been really fun to show my worth playing PlayStation. It's been nice playing with people that actually enjoy losing against me. Well... I've been enjoying it.

"These guys are... I don't even know how to call you. No, seriously." Mike points Ash and me and looks at Soph and Lucas sitting next to him and Caleb backstage at the Roundhouse where they perform tonight as the first act of some solo artist. I didn't get his name.

"You are just jealous," Ash smirks and circles my waist with his arm, pulling me closer to him, under the playful and slightly lustful mood in the air in the band's dressing room.

"I swear, these two are playing on the PS4, laughing, shouting at the other, to be going at it like fucking beast the next second," Mike concludes, and I roll my eyes playfully, which Ash reacts proudly and pulls me closer again.

"When was it? It's not important anyway, but I came back from somewhere earlier this week, and I was sure Ash was watching porn, so I wanted to joke and join him. It wasn't porn. Thank God I didn't open the door to your bedroom."

"If you would have, you wouldn't have been here to tell the tale." Ash threatens with the largest grin.

I am almost sad to admit it, but I have been fooling around with Ash mainly to change my mind. I don't know what Marcel did to me, but I couldn't stop thinking about him. It's like he put me under his spell, and, for once, I can't seem to get out of it. No news, not a thing since he dropped me off at Sophie's. I feel embarrassed to have used Ash like this, but we are just casual, right? We are just fooling around... I should stop this and take some time to really think about who I am away from all the men in my life. I want to be my own person.

We stop talking altogether when we're surprised by a technician who opens the door to tell the band to get ready. We all get up and exit the room with excitement. I am feeling so nervous for them, but they have this in the bag. They will have loads of fun like they always do. I know, I always have fun with them. It's easy. I don't have to worry about mood swings or the next roadblock. They take everything as a joke. They are a big breath of fresh air in my life, and it is precisely what I need at the moment.

Ash's arm doesn't leave my waist as we make our way backstage. He takes his drumsticks from his back pocket and rolls them between his fingers. We stop behind the rest of the band and look at the stage. The boys wait patiently for the cue to go on the scene.

"Have fun up there."

"I will." He smiles at me before he follows the boys to their instruments to set them right and then go on stage.

"Are you here with the SOS?" A ginger brother comes to Sophie and me. I nod in response.

"We are. Have you seen them perform before? They are excellent." I tell him as his hair really makes me at ease with him instantly.

"I did, and I know they are. That's why they are opening my show." He smiles brightly at me, chuckling a bit, and I roll my eyes to my own obliviousness. He reaches out to me with a hand, and I take it with a smile to shake it firmly. "I'm Eddy."

"I'm enchanted to meet you, Eddy. I'm Grace." I present myself as Sophie is too drawn to the show to notice the man that has just joined us.

"Well, it's great to meet you too. You have a strong handshake. I know someone who'll like that." I frown at his weird comment but don't mind it more than that.

FALLEN: A New Adult Romance (First of the FALLEN Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now