In My Brothers, I Trust

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The atmosphere is very relaxed as Sophie, Ronnie, my brothers, and I eat at the Nando's I used to work at before heading to the venue for the show. It isn't really rock and roll, but I wanted to show a bit of my life to Sophie. I got to see George and say a proper farewell to him as I never honestly had the chance. I got us two bottles of red wine, and we have just finished them. It's nice to have both of my best friends getting along so good with my brothers.

"So these guys we are going to see, what kind of music are they playing?"

"They are a kind of rock band." I let out, but Sophie quickly corrected me with a more precise answer.

"It's more pop-punk. Their influences are groups like Green Day, Bon Jovi and AC DC."

"Alright, that seems fun." Simon lets out as he wraps his arm around Ronnie's shoulders.

I stop my train of thought to watch them. They are so alike, I wouldn't even be surprised if they got casual with each other, being both such flirts.

"Did you resist your need to text Lucas?" I asked Sophie as we planned to text them the second we get to the venue to hopefully have backstage passes.

"I did. It was hard, though. I can't wait to see him and hear all about the tour and how it has been." She lets out excitedly.

"I have heard so much about them. Grace always came back from London with lots of juicy stories." Ronnie smirks at her and winks my way.

"Yeah, well, she experienced tequila, and that's how everything pretty much started." Sophie looks at me with a wide smirk as I blush and hide my face with a hand.

"What has happened to my innocent little sister?!" Simon theatrically lets out as if it was the most shocking thing he had ever heard.

"If you only knew what I know..." Ronnie lingers on every word as if she had the most precious information in the world.

I look at them with the utmost admiration. I feel really good. My life has been shit for the last couple of days, so moments like these are very appreciated.

"Thank you all for being here with me. I am very happy to share this moment with all of you." I smile at each of them, and William covers my shoulder with his arm.

"There she is, our cheesy little sister." He jokes as I lean against his chest, being very comfortable with each other as if no time had passed.

Out of my two brothers, he is the one I feel the most at ease with. I can be who I truly am with him. It doesn't change all the love I have for Simon, but Will is different. He is the one that suggested dyeing my hair because I wasn't happy with the way I looked. He has always tried to be there for me since the moment he learned how rough going to school was for me. Simon kept mocking me, but that's who he is. He had my back the second someone else was doing the same, though. And that's what matters most.

We get ready to go, but I stop by the kitchen to say my final farewell to the employees who have been my family for the last four years. I then join everyone back outside, where they are waiting for me. I step out of the kitchen and notice William waiting for me by the door. I leave the building with him, and we come face to face with Steeve, getting out of his car, heading our way, oblivious to our presence. I freeze, and William looks down at me.

"Grace?" I hear my name, but it's called again. "Grace!"

"Don't look, don't look, don't look," I murmur quickly to my brother as he was already turning around to look at my ex-boyfriend.

I turn around as William lets me go to head his way. He stands straighter and seems broader. He puts on his cop persona.

"Do you have something to say to her, Steeve?" He is imposing, and I see him back at school, doing that same exact thing to him before Steeve's sudden infatuation towards me.

FALLEN: A New Adult Romance (First of the FALLEN Trilogy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora