Knowing My Worth

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"Mr Wright is waiting for you in the main office on the last floor." The young receptionist returns my smile with a voice just as warm.

"Wright as in Wright Books?" I whisper, in complete awe, that the CEO of the place is the one that has read my book and wants to talk directly to me.

"Yes, he wants to see you." She whispers back, mirroring me with a light giggle, clearly amused.

I look at her with wide eyes as my stress doubles. I wasn't expecting to meet someone so important. I gather the courage to walk to the lift, but I remember having my luggage and feeling stupid carrying it around. It doesn't make me look professional at all. I look like a kid going to school. So I turned around and walked to the receptionist again.

"I'm so sorry to bother you again, but do you think you can keep my luggage behind your desk while I meet Mr Wright?" I struggle to say, almost imploring her with my eyes. I am all over the place. I don't think the lady has seen anybody as desperate as I am at the moment.

"Of course." She smiles and hurries me to go to my appointment.

"Thank you," I say before running slightly to the lift again.

The last thing I need is to be late and replicate the same ridiculous show to her boss.

I get in the elevator, and the way up makes me nervous. I pressure myself to make a great impression. I want to seem professional and mature. I'm told it's my most important quality.

The lift has a lovely view of London outside the thick window. Seeing everything beneath me through the glass as I get higher and higher in the building is intimidating. I get a clear view of the city and the boroughs. I love this part of London. If I weren't wearing heels today, I would have wanted to walk these streets tonight after my meeting. Maybe tomorrow before my departure.

The lift rings, and the doors open to another reception desk right in front of me. I walked to yet another receptionist. She was also strikingly young and beautiful. It led me to the idea that Mr Wright had something for fresh meat.

"Miss Hemingway, the door is open. Mr Wright waits for you." The receptionist smiles at me from behind her desk on the seventh floor.

I nervously try to slick my blouse and formal pants, contrasting with what I usually wear.

I don't even question how she knows who I am. I quickly thank her and intertwine my fingers nervously together as I step closer to her boss's office. I slowly make my way to the door, taking a deep breath and walking confidently.

I am surprised by the brightness in the room. The office is so big it takes some time before I set my sights on the tall figure standing next to their desk. I barely have a glimpse of the man, a dry tone freezes me in place.

"Close the door behind you." He orders with a direct and low voice. There is a gentle and warm rasp to the sound of his voice, but his tone is so dry it makes me feel uncomfortable.

I turn slowly to the large mahogany door and obey his demand, frowning to myself and taking deep breaths to calm my rising anxiety. The cold greeting isn't easing my nerves. It doesn't feel at all like I'd imagine my dreams becoming true.

Is this the way business is done here?

I slowly make my way to his desk as the man, his head facing down, looks pretty focused on looking through a pile of papers, his glasses falling to the tip of his nose. I tried to gather some lost confidence when I opened the office door.

The man seems tall and much younger than I would have thought. I initially imagined a big older man, the happy, loving grandfather type. So it's shocking to see a young man, maybe a couple of years older than me.

FALLEN: A New Adult Romance (First of the FALLEN Trilogy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora