The Ring Leader

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I have just checked in the hotel room I had reserved for William and me. I'm so happy we get to spend time together. I have never felt like we understood each other as much as we do now. We spent the whole day yesterday shopping together in London. We had a single purpose, to find him an engagement ring for Cynthia. It has been more complicated than I would have thought. We had been to two jewellery stores before he found the one. It was instant the second he saw the ring he had bought. He fell madly in love with its simplicity.

I was also astonished to see that my brother had such a big budget for a ring. He must have been saving for weeks. And yet, he tells me his decision was spontaneous when he learned that he had been sacked. I never really thought about it that thoroughly, until now in the hotel room, laid on the bed to rest from our journey before dinner.

"I had no idea you had such a big budget for rings..." I let out, sliding my hand under the white pillows displayed on the bed to lay my head more comfortably.

"It wasn't for rings per se. But seeing Simon not having a budget and spending all of his money left and right for years made me want to save in case anything went wrong and I had to cover his half of the rent."

"Did it happen often?"

"Maybe two or three times, but he always paid me back. Through the years, I have saved my money in case anything happens. And see? It's paid off. I have no job, but I have finally realised what I truly wanted in life."

"Was it immediate, or did it take time before you've made peace with this whole situation?"

"Simon and I got suspended for a week, and I realised that I didn't mind it at all. I spent the whole week with Cynthia and realised that I could see a life like that with her. Simon, on the other hand, was losing his shit. He wanted to go back to work. He was crazy worried that we'd get sacked. So I took the blame for us both, and here we are."

"How did Simon react to not working with you anymore?"

"Not as bad as me spending the week with Cynthia." He responds and laughs. "The poor lad felt so betrayed that I'd spent my time off with her and not with him."

"He'll have to get used to it if you get engaged."

"I can say he won't be pleased with all."

"Is he always such a baby?"

"Oh yeah! He needs a bit of a reality check." William laughs and sighs. "At least, for now, he has Ronnie to keep him company at the flat until the case with Steeve is solved."

He's right. Since the thing with Steeve happened, none of us really trust her flat. I wanted her to come with us to Edinburgh, but Simon suggested the idea to live with him for a week when William and I come back. He was ecstatic about the idea, and I think she liked the attention. At least, they are both happy with the situation.

"I think that's exactly what is happening. When you'll move out and marry Cynthia, he'll see that you have your life figured out and not him. I hope living with Ronnie for a week will make him want to settle."

"He just needs to grow up."

"I'm sure he will. The fruit didn't fall that far from the tree!?" I joke and see my brother smile as he takes the pillow on which he was resting his head to throw it at me. I take mine and throw it back at him. He catches it and brings it back under his chin.

"I think everything happens for a reason whether we see it or not. I see every obstacle as an opportunity. I think we must, or else we'll always find ourselves disappointed." He sighs, giving me one last glance, but he rolls on his back and looks at the ceiling.

FALLEN: A New Adult Romance (First of the FALLEN Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now