Funny Valentine

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He still looks at me intently with a happy grin hovering over his face. I don't know what he thinks about, but it intrigues me. I stop my story there and look at him without saying anything. We stay in silence for a couple of seconds before I succumb to my own curiosity.

"What are you thinking about?" I grin back at him, desperately wanting to know what makes him so happy.

He takes a moment, as always, before he responds. His eyes have never been gentler on me, and it exponentiates the love I have for him. I have my vulnerable Marcel in front of me.

He opens his mouth to speak but closes it immediately with a shake of his head. His hand reaches for my cheeks and pulls my face closer to him. His lips meet mine in a hurry, but he is surprisingly very tender instead of being the sex-driven man I have always known him to be.

I have never felt such giddiness and enjoyment in my life. I don't want it to end. I want to feel like that forever with him. Will it always be this way? Will I love him forever, or will it fade as it did with Steeve? No. At this moment, everything proves to me that my feelings are genuine and here to last.

He pulls me to him by the waist. Our bare skins are beautifully melting against one another. It's much more romantic than it is erotic, and I love that. I love that he doesn't turn to sex to show me how he feels anymore. His kiss tells me everything I need to know. It's loving and tender, but most of all, I feel like we understand each other more than ever.

I pull away from his addictive lips and get lost a second in his eyes. I swing both of my legs out of bed and put on my robe.

"What are you doing?" He says and rolls on the bed to lay more comfortably to fall back asleep.

"I want to dance with you." I let out and kneel on the bed to be by his side to insist that he gets up as well.

"Right now?" He whines and nuzzles his face deeper into the pillow.

"Yes, lazy arse. Get the fuck up." I smirk and crawl back to get out of the bed myself.

He straightens himself with a smirk on his lips, trying to seem insulted.

"Are you calling me lazy?" He says as my back is turned to him as I'm about to get out of the bed.

In no time, he catches me by the waist and throws me down on the mattress. He tries to roll me from the side so that I lay on my back to look at me, but his hands on my body only reveal that I am incredibly ticklish. He realises it, and oh does he use it to his advantage. It's like he is six again, and he tickles his sister. I have never seen him so playful. He is so amused in seeing me laugh that atrociously loud. It gets to a point where I am laughing so hard it hurts me. But I keep on my act a few seconds more because he is laughing so much. It's the cutest thing. He's never been so carefree. But I just can't stand it anymore.

"OK, Mace. You need to stop. I can't breathe." I beg him as he tests my limits but ultimately stops. He offers me his hand, and I straighten myself.

I get out of the bed and pull on his hand for him to follow me. I open the door and take back his left hand in mine. I walk backwards until he is out of the bedroom, and we enter the living room. I don't seem to realise he is only wearing his briefs. I love the way he looks at me. Even though he dominates me in every way in the bedroom, we are now out of it. I feel him completely drawn to me, and I revel in that power he gives me.

I put a hand on his shoulder and step closer to him. I try to remember the times Dad had shown me a few steps. I know I must be close to him. I know I must have a leg in between his to mould my body closer and more comfortably.

FALLEN: A New Adult Romance (First of the FALLEN Trilogy)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant