Be A Friend First

Start from the beginning

Sophie gets up seconds after when we get to our station. We walk into the airport and out to catch our bus. I tell her about stopping at ASDA before coming home. She decides to not accompany me and clean a little before I get back, and Marcel arrives.

The second I get out at my stop, I put back my headphone in my ears and listen to the album again. It's a really good jam. And I remember that I was texting Ash. It makes me wonder about what they are doing during the day. Do they have a show tonight?

Me: What are you doing tonight?

He doesn't respond instantly, and I have the time to do my whole grocery shopping before my phone vibrates again.

Ash: Caleb wants us to go out. And these days, all Lucas and Mike want to do is drink since they miss their girlfriends. I think it will be fun.

Me: Is your schedule pretty hectic?

I write quickly as it becomes my turn at the cashier, so I take off an earbud. I put all of my groceries in front of the employee. She scans it all, and I present her with the reusable bag I always keep at the bottom of my purse. I pay and thank her with a smile. I put back my earbud and head towards the exit. I hook the bag to the crook of my elbow and take back my phone.

Ash: It isn't now that we've come to the end of the UK tour. We fly to Ireland tomorrow morning. Dublin. Then we head up north to Belfast, and we come back to Glasgow for the show. Then, Edinburgh. After that, Europe.

Since he told me he would be in Scotland next weekend, it means he has a pretty hectic week ahead. I just hope he is well-rested and that they are all taking care of themselves.

Me: What are you the most excited to see?

By the time I have walked the two kilometres separating ASDA from home, I feel my phone vibrating again. I walk to the kitchen to put the bag on the counter and return to the door to take off my shoes. I turn off my music, intending to connect it Bluetooth with the stereo, but something else catches my attention.

I walk silently to Sophie's closed door, and I hear her undoubtedly crying. She is talking as well. I don't want to pry, so I head back to the kitchen and put my groceries in the fridge. I am glad I have bought wine. I think that might be exactly what she needs right now.

I get two wine glasses on the higher shelf of the cupboard. I have to climb on the counter to get them. I fill our glasses with the clear golden liquid, and I walk to my friend's door. I knock gently and wait for an answer. I can't help but listen.

"Call me tomorrow. Don't party too hard. Caleb is too friendly with drugs. I don't want the whole Metallica incident to happen again. I love you. I miss you too. Now go have fun." I hear her say, but I don't hear any of the responses Lucas gives her. It makes me frown with curiosity to know what happened at the 'Metallica incident'.

I knock again on the door, but I get in now that I know she has hung up. Her room is white and of average size. Her bed stands in the middle, being the first thing we see when we get in. Two steps in, I see a bookshelf and picture frames of her and the boys. I smile instantly. Two steps further, I notice a dusty guitar and her silhouette rolled up on her side.

"Hey, there, lovely lady. I brought you a glass of wine. I thought you would need it." I coo her gently, not to be abrupt and seem too intrusive.

She sniffs and wipes her makeup-free face quickly before she turns to face me. I don't mention anything, and neither does she. She acts as if nothing has happened at all.

"Exactly what I need." She takes the glass from my hand and raises it slightly. She seems pensive a second but looks at me the next. "To relationships."

FALLEN: A New Adult Romance (First of the FALLEN Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now