He hangs up and lets his phone down to the floor as he hurries himself back into bed. His mouth flies directly to my breasts. His agile tongue works immediately my nipples which drives me crazy. I reach for his erection, but he captures both of my hands between his to keep me from it.

"Who was it?" I ask him, and it takes a long time for his lips on my breasts to have an answer.

"So curious..." He drags on with a smirk as his lips kiss their way down to my juicy sex.

His hands leave mine free as he crawls back to cover my mountain of pleasure with his mouth. I feel his sinful tongue sway between my lips to tease my clit directly. My hips go wild, and we lose contact. I panic instantly. It's too good to have him stop. I hurry my hands on his head, making him continue. My fingers are tangled in his messy curly locks. Just when I feel an imminent orgasm come, he looks up at me and moves his head away from my sex the time of a delighted moan. I panic again as I see a smirk growing on his face, to his eyes before he continues his work on me. God, he is hot!!!

"Ahhh!" I moan in surprise to have his tongue flicker my arsehole.

What is he- Oh my God, this feels good...

I close my eyes and let myself focus on the movement of his tongue, but as if it wasn't exciting enough, he starts to rub my clit at the same time. Suddenly, I feel his fingers inside of my wetness too. I am being pleased in too many areas that drives my senses entirely out of control. I start breathing harder, my chest rising quicker under so much pleasure. I hold my breath as I'm on the very edge of coming.

I look around and try to find something to grab, a position to hold, to get to feel my high harder. I arch my back and throw my head behind to groan loudly all the breath I kept inside, exploding against his face.

Once I have screamed all the pleasure inside of me, my senses slowly get back to me, and I collapse on the mattress. I get lost in my thoughts. I think about how wonderful this was, how hot Marcel is and how incredible he makes me feel. If it were only up to my high right now, I'd tell him I love him. But it wouldn't be entirely genuine. He drugs me so much with his entire exceptional self that it's hard to know what is true or not with him. He makes me feel so many extremes. But that's why I want him so bad.

I'm catching back my breath, and Marcel gets off the bed like he didn't make me have one of the strongest orgasms I have ever had. I look at him and think again about how wonderful this man is. He makes me feel more extraordinary things than I have ever felt before, in every possible way. My blissful state makes me adore him and think about a future with him. What would it be like to be married to Marcel? What kind of father would he be?

Then, I thought about his pleasure. He didn't come yet. I get off the bed and take a second to get on my feet as my body is a little numb. I can't help the smile growing naturally on my lips. I find myself skipping my way to the bathroom. I think this might be the happiest I've ever been in my entire life. I have my gorgeous Marcel with me. He loves me. I'm in my favourite place on Earth, home, in Manchester. I doubted it all, days before. I never expected things would turn out this way then.

I join Marcel in the bathroom and immediately sneak myself behind him as he washes his hands. I circle his waist and peck the dark tattooed skin of his back. He looks at me through the mirror in front of him. I feel him relax in my arms and ravish to see him let go.

"It's the first time I feel you as relaxed as now. Thank you." I kiss his shoulder and sneak my way beside him to hug him more appropriately.

"I should be thanking you, love. I have never felt lighter in my life." He smiles very gently. To anyone else but me, it wouldn't have seemed like a smile, only his regular unfathomable face.

FALLEN: A New Adult Romance (First of the FALLEN Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now