Je te laisserai des maux

Start from the beginning

We are more like the characters than you would like to think. I created Harry as my fantasy. Somehow you started behaving like him. I didn't try to change you in any way. But it's out of my control if you let yourself behave differently. I did not ask you to fuck me the way you did. I did not ask you to make me breakfast the morning Steeve showed up. I did not ask you to take me with you to your place. The only thing I asked from you was to treat me with respect, and you fucking failed.

I will stay with my family longer than anticipated. You can celebrate your doctorate on your own because it's not like you even want to be with anything else than your own company.

Wednesday, 14:33


From: marcel.wright

To: gracyhemmy

Object: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Corrections

For fuck's sake, Grace! What is wrong with you?!

What can't you understand?! I am not treating you like shit. You are my writer, and I am giving you all my attention. I told you things. I have been more open with you than with anyone. Stop making this harder for me than it needs to be.

Why can't you just be professional?!

I am not treating you like shit. This is not about you.

Wednesday, 15:16


From: gracyhemmy

To: marcel.wright

Object: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Corrections

"This is not about you." Then who the fuck is it about?!

I am not making any of this hard, Marcel. You are making things hard for yourself. You don't care about me. All you ever wanted was to be an editor, and I made you one. Now that you have what you wanted out of me, you throw me out like a bag of garbage.

I feel like you are just giving me half of you. The other is always unpredictable and jumping at my throat. What did I ever do to you!?

Stop pretending you don't need anyone, Marcel! You do. It might not be me, but you are not alone if you let yourself trust.

Here I am, always giving you all I can, but it's never enough for you. I have been standing naked in so many ways in front of you, and you messed it all up. I always have to wait until you are done losing your mind to pick up the pieces. I won't this time. You fucking said to me that you didn't know me and that 'in another life' you will see me around. What was that shit about!? I am not a doll you can emotionally abuse when you want. I care, Marcel. And I got fucking hurt! That won't happen again. You need to swallow your pride and make up your fucking mind.

Don't talk to me unless it's urgent professional matters.

Wednesday, 19:49


Me: I am driving down to London tomorrow. I have business to take care of. Do you want to come to Manchester with me? The SOS have a show the day after tomorrow. We could all hang out. Are you in?

Sophie: Yes! I am packing my things as soon as I get home.

Me: I am heading to the office, actually. I will pick you up when you are done.

Sophie: Great! Come by my desk when you get there.


Me: What would you say if I invited you to a show with my friends, my brothers, and me?

FALLEN: A New Adult Romance (First of the FALLEN Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now