Lay Me Down and Wake Me Hard

Start from the beginning

"There you go, Miss." The barman tells me, again interrupting my thoughts, but I am glad I was getting way too sentimental about my boss this time.

I drink both my shots at the bar. Then, I head back to the table to join Sophie to watch the show and maybe get my mind off all these men in my life.

As the show goes on, I can't seem to look at anything else than Ash. The alcohol sprints through my veins, and I need to control the depth of my fantasies. And that's for everyone's sake. The mix of exhaustion and my whiskey gets me woozy and very hot.

The second my drummer looks at me, I feel like my body is caught on fire between songs. One look and he gets me about to ignite. He lights the spark inside of me. He makes me feel desirable.

He winks, and I bite my lip absentmindedly. The hope of what will happen tonight is the only thing on my mind until I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket.

I frown in annoyance that Ash and I's moment is ruined and look down on my lap where I hide my cellphone from the stage, under the table. As if they could see who texted from the scene.

Mr Not Wright: Are you with your friends?

Me: I am.

I quickly respond and look for any clue that might justify why the fuck he would text me to ask me that. Sometimes I just want to know what goes on inside that head of his. What does he think about?

Me: Why?

Mr Not Wright: Wanted to know if you were safe.

It takes a moment where I read back his message over and over. I smile despite myself and give more attention to my phone than to the show.

Me: You left me at, literally, ten feet from the door.

Me: :P

Mr Not Wright: Never too careful.

Me: Why are you nice to me? It's weird.

Mr Not Wright: Weird?

Me: Yeah! You rarely are. I never know where to stand with you. One second, you seem to be kind, and the other, you seem to hate me.

Mr Not Wright: I don't hate you.

I look away from my phone, the time to blush and feel too excitedly happy. My thumbs start to tap my screen before my head tells me how bizarre this situation is. I shouldn't get too invested. I know it will backlash in my face, but now I'm drunk, and I don't care. I enjoy him and our conversations a lot.

I need to pee.

Me: Well, you better make it clear to me then.

Me: Wait, hold a second. I need to use the loo.

I get up in a hurry and rush to the restroom. Once I'm seated, I take back my phone with an intense giddiness fueled by the alcohol running through my veins.

Mr Not Wright: We are not on the phone. No need to tell me that.

Me: There are so many people that have written on the walls of this stall.

Me: Want to know what they say? Some are pretty funny.

Mr Not Wright: If it makes you happy.

Me: "Claire Whitmore, I fucked your BF in here."

Me: "I kissed my brother, and I liked it."

FALLEN: A New Adult Romance (First of the FALLEN Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now