Marcel Wright stands up from the couch he is sitting on. He sees me. Both of my hands fall next to my body, the pain taking over every of my nerve. Why would I agree to meet him again? Just the sight of him would have sufficed to give me a headache. I can't help but roll my eyes, which hurts me more than anything.

I step closer to him, meeting him halfway, minimising any facial expressions to avoid my headache getting any worse. I really regret drinking that many beers last night.

He is standing tall in front of me, very well dressed with another polo and marine pants. He still looks classy as hell.

A quick look down at myself reveals a shitty hungover immature girl. I am clearly underdressed and not mentally prepared for this. My outfit reflects precisely how I feel on the inside, and now that I know with whom I'm having brunch, I really don't feel like putting on a fight.


I frown at him. His tone wasn't judgy or cold, but how would he know?

"Mm-hmm..." I murmur, barely having the strength or the nerve to look him in the eyes. "Can we go now?"

One look at Mr Wright reveals a slight cold smile. I sigh. Everything happens for a reason. I need to try to make this work. I follow him, guiding me out of the hotel to his car parked right up front. He opens my door and closes it very softly. I didn't realise right away that his gentleness was actually a nice gesture from him, considering my headache. I also realised that he was overall not as cold as yesterday towards me. He had talked to me with a slightly amused tone, and I decided to be the cold one responding almost harshly to him to get this meeting over with.

He sits next to me, and he doesn't close his door with the same care. It hints that I ruined the only chance to have him in a 'good mood'.

I try to change my mind, but the only thing that strikes me right away is the smell in the car. It's delicate, but it awakens my senses. I tried to shut them down because of my headache, but it was so smooth and appealing. I am not good at recognising scents, but it smells sweet. It's maybe a little spicy too, but I can only guess that it's his cologne. Whatever it is, it comforts me as I find myself slightly more at ease in his presence.

He ignites the car and slowly drives away through the streets of Hayes to get us I don't know where. I decide to take this time to take in my surroundings. His car is immaculate and quite luxurious. I quickly look at the back seat and see loads of books next to a worn-out leather satchel. It must be old.

"You are a curious one, aren't you?" He says, and even though it's a question, it's more of a statement.

I stay silent and get my attention on him. I know I shouldn't stare, but I'm a 'curious one' like he said. His posture is very straight, but I could have guessed yesterday that he has a stick up his arse. Although, he seems very put together. The books on his back seat agree with my initial thoughts. Is he still at College? How old is he?

"If you are going to stare at me, maybe you would want to let me in on your thoughts." He coldly says, not making eye contact.

I decide to go all in. He wants to know what I've been thinking about. That's what he is going to get.

"OK." I take a moment to look at and analyse his attitude. "How old are you?"

"Twenty-six." He responds as quickly as I have asked.

"What are all these books on your back seat?"

"They are for my research."

"So you are still in College?"

FALLEN: A New Adult Romance (First of the FALLEN Trilogy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن