'Christ, Tae! Be careful!'

'What the...?' Tae gulped, semi-aware of Suga sputtering obscenities as he helped a whinging Jinnie back onto his feet.

It was happening again, his vision taking on a life of its own the way it had when he was standing outside the prison cell.

Earlier, he saw himself slotting the warded key into the lock before Yunhee ran inside to comfort Jinnie.

This time, he was holding a smoking gun and staring at a lifeless woman lying on the ground.

Acutely aware that they were running out of time, Tae fought to regain some semblance of reality and tried to climb from the floor, but he was powerless to stop it.

The west wing metamorphosed into a stylish bar, the face of the dead woman became agonisingly clear.


'Such a waste,' he tsked as he stepped over the blood pooling around her head.

'You bastard,' Jimin seethed from where he swayed on his knees.

Tae could feel it. The pitiless apathy swimming through his veins and corrupting his soul. He wanted to stop what was about to happen. He wanted to throw the weapon aside and beg Jimin for forgiveness, but he was trapped in a surrealistic nightmare that could only belong to Kim Taehyung.

He felt nothing as he pushed his engraved Kimber Raptor against Jimin's forehead, nothing as Jimin avoided his stone-cold gaze to stare instead into the depths of the black barrel.

'Do it,' Jimin urged, welcoming death as a river of Yunhee's blood seeped towards their feet.

'I told you to watch your back, old friend. See you in hell.'

Tae jolted like he'd been electrocuted, the ear-splitting blast ripping through his soul as he watched the life in Jimin's vibrant eyes fade and die.

'No,' he gasped as his fingertips scraped across the marble tiles. 'No, no, no...'

'Hey...' There was a comforting palm on his shoulder now, gently kneading his flesh and enticing him back to the present. 'Are you okay?'

The glittering downlights of the bar dissipated, sunlight streaming into the foyer as a pair of concerned amber eyes came into view. It was Jinnie, deathly pale and crouched in front of him, while Suga - stressed to the high heavens - begged them to stop fooling around and get up.

Tae tried to reclaim a modicum of composure, but it was difficult after the disturbing scene he'd just been forced to observe. He could still see the anguished glaze in Jimin's pupils before he'd inhumanly pulled the trigger, the dark red liquid matting Yunhee's hair as she lay motionless beside him.

'W-what the hell was that?' Tae croaked, glancing between Jinnie and Suga with red raw eyes.

'What was what?' Suga questioned as they hauled him back onto his feet.

'Didn't you see it?' Tae shakily asked as they resumed their escape. 'It was as clear as day. Taehyung, he killed-'

'Ah,' Jinnie sighed, rubbing a motherly hand up and down his spine like he was burping a baby, 'you saw one of Taehyung's memories, didn't you?'

Tae's eyes widened, his head whipping to the beaten man who was now comforting him.

Gone was the impish twinkle and all traces of snobby remorse. There was only compassion and understanding as Jinnie's words sank into Tae's throbbing brain.

How could he forget? During their little chat at the penthouse, Taehyung had crazily declared that he was privy to his relationship with Yunhee. He'd relayed details about their sex life that no one could possibly have known.

When Worlds Collide | PJM - KTH ✓ (Hahm Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now