Chapter 39.1 - Aster

Comenzar desde el principio

"I know the foreigner won't betray us. But—"

"That's funny, because she seems to be there every time something goes wrong!"

I growl, running my hand through my hair. I know what the argument should be, thatshe's observant and has come to warn me, but Reyan won't accept that. "At this point, I don't care who you put in there, so long as it's not Maera and you trust them." His eyes are dark, and I add, "But Illesiarr trusts the foreigner. And you know how perceptive he is."

"No." His gaze hardens.

"Then pick anybody! But not the maid. Other than her, I trust your judgement." I drag in a deep breath. "Reyan, I am begging you. Please. Not Maera."

The anger in his expression wavers.


Lip curling, he turns to the wall, whips out a piece of paper, and scrawls a message on it with a bit of charcoal. After scribbling his sigil onto it, he hands it back to me. "There. Pick your replacement and read the order to the guards."

I scan the letter. It dismisses Maera and replaces her with whoever I bring, similar to the last note. Like the last letter, it still prohibits Leavi from seeing the Queen.

I nod. "Fine." I tuck the letter in my pocket, taking in his heavy brow. "Thank you, Reyan."

He gives a wordless nod and returns to the room, shutting the door tight behind him.

Exhausted, I stand there for a moment, unsure of my next move. I want to collapse into bed. I need to find a maid I trust, bring her to Sela, explain the situation to the guards, and return to the Mages. I chew my lip. They're still waiting on me.

I might know names and faces of many maids, a little bit of personality for some of them, but that doesn't mean I have some sort of great trust in any one of them.

I remember the maids in the infirmary with Illesiarr. He has seen almost every person in this castle at some point or other. Some many times, surely. He would have to know which maids would be adept at helping in order to choose them. I start heading that way.

Right as I get to the door, though, it occurs to me again how busy the old physician is. I shouldn't be wasting his time with recommendations, and I hesitate to enter.

Sela's life could rest on this choice. I push in.

Illesiarr actually sits at his table, and I don't see the maids. He rests heavily against the chair back, but he looks up as I come in.

"My boy." He face creases. "Did something happen with that arm?"

"No." I wander in, disconcerted by the lack of flurry that characterized this space only hours ago. "They can't have all..." My gaze comes back to him.

Expression solemn, he shakes his head. "Most of them are in the back rooms, and a handful have been released."

I appreciate his attempt to focus on the better part of this, but I know what he's not saying. A lot of them still died.

I slip into the seat across from him. I wish I could comfort him like he's comforted me in these seats so many times before, but comfort is a luxury neither of us can afford anymore. "I need your advice."

He pushes his own exhaustion from his face, and guilt pricks my mind. "Of course. What's the matter?"

"Reyan doesn't want Leavi to watch over Sela because of..." I trail off, uncertain how to indicate her foreignness without tipping off anyone else who might be listening.

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