Chapter 37.2 - Aster

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I gasp, my body and sight becoming once more my own

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I gasp, my body and sight becoming once more my own. Chills cover my skin. The reinforcements are coming. Those were probably the men from the south, Agrí or Caelací.

"Are you sure you're alright, Prince?" the officer asks.

I turn to her distractedly. "Yes. Of course."

Dread numbs my movements, and I descend into the tower. Everyone knows the Second's visions only warn of bad things to come.

So why did it show the reinforcements?

Among the soldiers in the tower hall, Reyan calls out instructions. As I take the last step down, he spots me and scowls. He gestures, and an officer takes his spot. As he cuts through the crowd, it parts around him.

He still wears the bloodstained uniform of last night, and his hair is mussed as if from sleep. His eyes are sharp and alert, though, and what cuts he has are bandaged. His gaze flicks to my arm. "You still haven't taken care of that?"

"I was just making sure the watch didn't need anything. I'm off to check on Sela."

He frowns, clasping my good arm before I can turn. "Go to the infirmary first. Mellise sent word that her men are standing guard outside the Queen's suite. Selenia's safe. One of the invaders was even found tied up outside the door." His words ring of reassurance but his tone registers as an order.

My jaw tightens. "I'll get around to it."

"Don't get around to it. Do it." He holds my gaze like iron. "Please don't make me ask one of my men to escort you."

My eyes blaze and tone drops. "I am not one of your soldiers, brother. In a battle situation, you may have a greater understanding of what should be done. However, now, there are a million other tasks that need dealt with, and my paltry injury is the least of them. So, excuse me."

His grip on my arm doesn't loosen, forcing me to turn back toward him. "Aster, you are the third most important person in the castle, in the country, right now. So would you do Morineaux a favor and make sure you don't keel over?" His eyes bore into me. "Visiting Illesiarr won't take long. You can do everything else after."

I throw my hand into the air and fight not to cringe at the stabbing pain in my left arm. "I'm not going to die from a cut on my arm!"

Soldiers around us murmur, watching us now. Reyan grits his teeth and drags me into a small side room. "From now on, why don't we try to not look like squabbling children in front of our people?"

I wince.

"This argument is probably taking longer than seeing Illesiarr would."

"It wouldn't have if you would've let me go."

Reyan holds up a hand. "I've gotten my wounds seen to, and so have all my soldiers who have had a chance to. You're not wasting time by taking care of yourself, and you can't take care of what needs done if you're not in top shape."

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