Left Behind - Part Two

Start from the beginning

Though you did notice that it was mainly if Thor was with you.

You didn't get an opportunity to ask him what the matter was, but you were certain it was that one lingering moment between you and Thor the previous night that was the cause. The moment that had Loki walking away.

But why?

There had never been any indication that Loki had a romantic interest in you, nor you him.

In fact, you remember him telling you about a particular baker he had taken a shining to that would bring him jam tarts and would sit with him, sharing them as they talked too late into the night.

Unfortunately, you had no choice but to push your worries to one side as the days continued.

Practice had started to take over, Loki was busy with his princely duties and Thor's company was starting to become scarcer as more guests arrived that he had to attend to.

Though he would be sure to say goodnight before retiring to bed, something that you had come to anticipate fondly.

Then, in the blink of an eye, the final night arrived.

You weren't prepared.

Even with all the time in the world, you would not have been ready.

You were anxiously pacing your room as you waited for a maid to come and get you, though you had plenty of time before the performance started.

Guests had to arrive and get settled in, some speeches had to be made and a group of Asgardians were to perform a traditional dance before you were to make your way to the set-up stage.

There was plenty of time to be left alone to your thoughts and that was fully what you expected, hence the surprise when a knock came to your door during what should have been the beginning of the speeches.

Your heart skipped a few paces and your stomach churned, but you forced yourself to take a deep breath and called out for the guest to come in as you stared into the mirror and fiddled with the outfit you had been adorned in.

Pushing aside any insecurities was hard, but even you had to admit that you looked good.

You watched the door through the reflection as it opened, your brow creasing in confusion before you turned to face your guest.

"Loki? Aren't you supposed to be at the table? The speeches are happening, right? Has something happened?"

Loki rolled his eyes and waved his hand dismissively.

"My presence is needed at the table, I have no requirements to speak, a simple double can handle that much."

"If you're sure," you said uncertainly. "So, how come you're here?"

He looked around the room without focusing on anything and then took a deep breath, letting it out in a sigh.

"I feel that I should apologise for how I've been acting lately."

"What? No, really it's okay."

"No, it isn't, I may feel it's justified but that doesn't excuse my attitude as of late."

"Okay, I can't stop you from apologising," you smiled, "you're very stubborn."

"I am," he nodded, resting his hands behind his back. "But I have some things I need to say, I can't put this behind us if I don't."

You frowned in concern and moved over to the bed, sitting on the edge and patting the space beside you.

Loki made to move and then shook his head, instead taking a step back.

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