Cigarettes and Favors

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"Amanda..." he tried to find a way to phrase what he was thinking. Could he come between her and her happiness simply because he had a vague inclination to believe Markob could be bad? How fair was that? To assume that he was a horrible man simply because he kept horrible company?

Yet, Hunter could not seem to stop himself from judging him that way. He wanted Amanda to be safe more than he wanted her to find love with Markob Jakobie. He decided to be honest with her. That was what a true friend would do.

"Amanda, I think you need to be careful. I don't want you to get hurt again."

She nodded, worrying her lip between his teeth but using her arm, which was still linked with his, to propel him into a walk again.

"I know, Hunter. That's been my problem. I want to trust Markob, because he and Matt never really seemed like...well, I never really understood why Matt was friends with him. He always seemed...I don't know...not Matt's type, I guess? Markob was always so happy, and Matt was always so...angry. You know? I didn't really pay that much attention, but even now, I don't think they were ever very close. I know Markob knows what happened with me and you and all of that, but he hasn't ever mentioned it. He's never once said anything about Matt. Which makes me think...maybe he's good after all?"

She sighed and pinched the space between her eyes. She groaned and smiled wearily.

"I don't want him to be bad, Hunter. I really, really like him. So...would it be totally insane to ask...would you mind? I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to but...Hunter, would you hang out with him? Get to know him a little? I think he's a really big fan of your music so you'll have a lot to talk about. I just want your honest, unadulterated opinion of him. I'll set everything up, I swear. I just want you to get to know him and tell me what you think. You know, honestly."

Hunter took a deep breath, refusing to meet her eyes. He knew his own limits. He was definitely not very good one-on-one. Especially if it was a man, and a man he hardly knew at that. Could he really be objective now that he knew what he did?

He sighed and nodded at Amanda. She had been a good friend to him in these months without Beth, and he felt he owed her. Whether or not that was true, he had to pay the debt.

"Okay, Amanda. But I'm going to be brutal. No holding back."

She smiled widely, and a giggle escaped her lips. She turned in and hugged him fiercely around the neck, throwing a kiss onto his cheek and then another on his shoulder as she hugged him again.

"Thank you so much, Hunter! Your opinion means a lot to me."

She pulled away and took a deep breath.

"God, I need a smoke," she commented, scrounging around in her purse for her pack and lighter.

Hunter shook his head. "Amanda, you really need to stop smoking. It's disgusting."

She laughed. "I know, I know. I swear I'll quit."

"When?" he challenged. He crossed his arms and cocked an eyebrow at her.

She hung the cigarette between her lips and lit it with her other hand, returning his challenge with her eyes.

"How about this?" she said, blowing out a puff of smoke. "I'll stop smoking when you stop missing Beth."

Hunter's mouth popped open. Just as quickly, he pressed them into a straight line and turned away from her.

I will never stop missing Beth.

"Oh, come on, Hunt. I didn't mean it that way!" Amanda called, catching up with him and putting a restrictive hand on his arm.

"Hunter, come on. Please! Stop, okay? I'm sorry!"

He stopped. He knew he was being ridiculous. He just could not seem to handle it when people mentioned Beth. He missed her uncontrollably.

"Here, I have something for you," Amanda continued. "Will you hold this for me?"

She thrust her cigarette into his hand and searched through her purse again. He held it awkwardly, pinched between his first finger and his thumb, hating the smell and the feeling of Amanda's lipstick on the tip.

"Here it is!" she announced triumphantly, pulling a guitar pick from her massive shoulder bag. "It was signed by Frank Sinatra before he died. I found it on eBay! Can you believe that?"

Hunter fingered the pick in astonishment.

"Wow, Amanda. This is amazing! Thank you so much!"

He hugged her again and she took her cigarette back, taking a huge pull. A moment of silence passed between them, in which they just stared at each other, both with a face full of gratitude for the other.

Finally, Amanda bumped him with her elbow and said, "All right, rock star. Let's get you back home." 

Hey, look at that! AN UPDATE!! :D AND IT'S ABOUT HUNTER!!

I am about to be very busy. Even more so than I've been. I swear. But...after that, I'll be moving and hopefully I'll have slightly more time to write. This book is going to be awesome, I swear it.

As it is, I really appreciate you guys sticking around. How am I doing? Do you like this book?

Vote, comment, give me a shout out! I noticed that I've gotten a few hundred reads this week, which is AMAZING! You guys RULE!

Anyway, as always, God Bless and Happy Reading. (:

What You Don't Know (Sequel to "Secret Love")(Hunter Hayes/James Marsden)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum