You need to wake up

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My body was numb from the cold, my head was spinning in the moment I couldn't care less, adrenaline pumping through my veins, keeping going to get to my metal head. Falling into the hospital, my body flopping slightly placing my hands to my knees taking heavy breaths. Pain pulsing from my legs to my fingers tips started to settle in

"Y/n?" My name being called as I look up in a blur seeing the red head girl from the other side of the waiting room as I squint my vision weakening.

"M-Max?" My body shivers, my knees wanting to give out as they shake violently as she runs over trying to hold me up, my clothes were wet from the snow, ice droplets falling for my hair.

"You're bright blue?!" Her eyes fill with worry "where's Steve? What happened?" Questions being blurred left, right and centre, opening my mouth but words weren't coming out as my eyes roll back, my body getting heavier.

"Y/n? Y/n? Nurse help!" Hearing a faint scream as everything turns to black before waking up in a dim hospital room, vines all along the floor, running up the walls intertwining along the bed as I pull them off me

"What the fuck?" I carefully whisper hanging my legs off the side of the bed before placing them carefully onto the unknown ground, walking out the room quietly to the familiar hallway but it wasn't the same it was different, it was eeire, keeping on guard. Where was I? Like I was in a different dimension, treading lightly seeing a figure through the door window to the waiting room my heart was pounding, crouching down slightly peeping through as it wonders around, stepping on a vine causing somewhat goo to leak from it onto my foot "shit" I mumble, as the body turns around towards me, my pulse felt like it was going to rip out from my veins. Throwing myself to the floor on my hands knees slowly crawling into a little room, filled with mops, brushes and cleaning supplies. Tucking my knees to my chest, squeezing my eyes shut tight. Counting down to 10, trying to slow my breathing down.

Eddie's pov:

I could hear her ever so softly, as if she was struggling to speak, my stomach dropped not being able to do anything, hearing the commotion going on it, screams following through the cold room, I didn't know where to look till I heard a voice, it wasn't like how it normally was. The voice was louder then the faint ones that linger, as if someone was here, it wasn't terrifying. Seeing a head duck down from the door, I thought I was alone in this world. How is this possible? Slowly making my way trying to not make any sudden movements, pushing the heavy door seeing the broom closet shut.

The thoughts of fear creeped into my mind not knowing what was behind the other side taking hold of the doorknob slowly opening it not wanting to startle whatever or whoever it could be behind if.

Seeing the small figure curled up like a child hiding from the monsters under their bed, her head tucked into her knees as if it was suppose to keep her hidden. My features soften realising it was her; my sweetheart. My heart fluttered, the feeling of being along vanished as kneeling down to eye level

"Sweetheart?" I softly spoke, her head slowly untucked, her eyes widen taking a moment to process what was happening.

"E-Eddie?" She stutters in disbelief

"I've missed you sweetheart" running my fingers along her cheek, my hand tingled at the sensation, her skin was soft and warm. God I've missed this so much. She lunges forwards, throwing her body around me pushing me back holding onto her tightly, kissing all over her face, tears pricking at my eyes. The weren't sad tears, they were happy tears thinking I was banished her for eternity forever alone.

Y/n's Pov:

It felt like a vivd dream, there he was before me, not knowing if this was like before at the party, was I just seeing things again? He places his cladded hand upon my cheek, my body felt like it folded in together. Not being able to contain myself throwing myself onto him as we lay on the floor holding each for a moment. It was real. Our lips clash together hungering for the touch that we missed out on pulling away with a shaky breath feeling hot and bothered

"Where are we Eddie?" I bite my lip nervously, he leans up against the wall pulling me into his lap, gazing at his face tired face.

"I'm not sure it's Hawkins but its not our Hawkins..." he pauses "what happened to you princess?" Sadness dancing along his face, his shit eating grin was gone as he plays with my hair and hums not knowing what to say.

"I-I don't know Eddie...." What wasn't all a lie, everything was a blur, everything just hit me when I stopped running he replies with a "Hm" sound he could read me like a book. Placing my forehead onto his, closing my eyes taking in his scent, he lets out a soft chuckle making our eyes connect again.

"You make a great Smaug Henderson, I wish I could of seen you're Hollywood performance" making me playfully slap his arm as he dramatically holds it.

"I been struck by the mighty Smaug, how will I ever survive...." He throws his head back into the wall making me giggle, seeing my metal head's personality shine bright "I guess only a true loves kiss will only cure me by the fairest and prettiest princess in all of Hawkins." As he pretends to choke on his own breath, closing his eyes causing me to have flash backs of Halloween night. Seeing him in pain before me, feeling like the walls closing in tears fall down my cheek as I try to silently weep. We sat in silence for a moment, he peeps with one of his eyes open, peering at me with my head down as I sniffle. He leans up pulling me closer, putting my head to his chest, his free hand wonders up my back as his massages circles in it

"Hey, hey I'm sorry" he coos, pressing a hard kiss to my head resting his chin on top.

"I thought y-you died" I sob, clinging onto the cloth of his clothing not wanting to let go, my fingers hurt for how tight I was holding onto him.

Eddie's Pov:

Confusion fogged my brain processing her words, all I remember was fearing for my life that night, everything went dark and silent before coming here. I thought this was my doom, that this was my afterlife.

"I am dead...." I pause, my brows knitting together "aren't I?!" I question, lifting her head up, her eyes blood shot and heavy shaking her head silently

"You need to wake up Eddie.." my princess softly speaks, pressing a kiss to my nose, all of a sudden her body felt lightee, as I grab onto her waist like she was slipping away, loneliness started to settle back in again.

"Princess-" watching her body fade away, my hands clutching together.

"I love you Eddie" seeing her beautiful face disappear in midair, shooting upwards as I shout

"Don't go please" my body twisting and turning in panic "wake up how?" My voice gets louder in frustration "JESUS H CHRIST, h-how?" My voice trembles. My body falling back where we just were, making a loud thump, curling up onto the floor holding myself as I whimpered.

Y/n's Pov:

My eyes slowly open to bright lights, my vision adjusting as I tried to lean up, I wince my body felt like a ton of bricks, it aches everywhere trying to move my fingers they felt stiff

"Hey, careful" a nurse next to me softly spoke, carefully leaning my back into bed.

"What happened?" I sigh

"minor frostbite, you'll be okay. We're keeping you in over night to monitor you" she smiles "you'll hell of a tough cookie for braving that storm. You're brothers outside, I'll go get him you're moms on her way."

"Thank you" I mumbled as she leaves the room as the door slammed open again seeing the 4 kids rush in throwing themselves on top of me.

"Ow, ow, ow, careful guys..." I lay there being huddled by body's

"Sorry, we were worried" Max mumbles

"Why were you out in that storm???" Dustin sternly speaks "you could of gotten really hurt" his eyes well up taking his hand into mine, stroking my thumb softly.

"Hey shouldn't I be telling you off as I'm the older sibling" making him laugh shaking his head.

"W-Where is he?" I blurt out

"Where's who?" Mike cocks his head to the side


"He's okay, he's still not awake..." Max shuffles on the spot

"But I was just with him?" Not wanting to sound crazy but I swear I was.

Dustins eyes went soft taking his hat off sitting next to my bed "maybe it was a dream?" He tries to reassure me dropping my head.

"Yeah... Maybe it is" but it wasn't, it felt so real.

Long lost Lovers • EDDIE MUNSON x FEM!HENDERSON!READERWhere stories live. Discover now