Vivid Dream

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I woke up feeling hot and sticky September in the US wasn't the same as our British September it was always raining and miserable. Checking my bedside clock it was 10am letting out a groan while stretching.

Taking myself to the shower, the cold water felt amazing on my skin, cooling off from the warm evening. I put on a fresh top and shorts leaving the bathroom into the kitchen where I see my mum cooking away

"Morning my sweetie, come on, sit." She said with glee ushering me to the table. Popping a glass of orange juice next to me

"Thanks, smells good."

"I've made your favourite blueberry's pancakes with whip cream." Her face lite up placing a plate in front of me, seeing this massive stack of thick pancakes.

"What's wrong sweetie? Do you not like pancakes anymore?" Her face dropped looking sad noticing the confusion on my face.

"Nothing, honestly nothing, it's still my favourite thank you but back home in the uk grandma always use to make these really flat pancakes?" Giving her a soft smile "I guess I can't remember them being this shape." I blurted out, I felt awful. Claudia just watched with anticipation, I took a bite letting out a "mmm" sound to let her know I enjoyed. She sighed with relief cleaning pots.

"That was lovely thanks mum."

"Not a problem my dear. So whats your plan for today?"

"Think I'll just get my bearings of Hawkins, it's so hot though."

"Well Dusty mentioned about Eddie was taking you out today?"

Rolling my eyes "ugh I told him I was busy today, I don't want to hang out with Eddie the freak Munson."

"Now be nice, he's been great with Dusty letting him join his club." She said sternly, to be honest it took my by surprise she didn't seem the type of women to be stern.

"Okay, okay I'm sorry." I put my hands in the air "Best get ready then. Thanks for breakfast it was lovely mum honestly." Popping my plate into the sink before scurrying away to my room.

I just threw on a mesh style black mini shirt with Mötley Crüe top that I had cut into one sleeve and tying my hair into a messy bun as I couldn't stand the heat today.

Putting my headphones on, placing a cigarette to my lips taking a deep inhale "ah bliss." Phantom of the Opera by Iron Maiden was drowning the world out around me as I sat on my door step. Closing my eyes enjoying the daze I was in, bopping my head to the guitar solo that all soon came to an end as my headphones were snatched off my head.

"What you listening to Henderson?" His eyes squinted placing them on his head listening to the song "I'm more of a The Number of the beast fan" he shouted over the music in his ears pointing towards the headset

"Give them back Munson" I shot up trying to grab them off his head he'd had held of my right shoulder with one arm pushing me back

"Sorry Y/n can't hear you? Speak up darling" he had that menacing grin.

"Whatever man, keep them for all I care." Rubbing my hands into my face making a return to my front door. He soon enough took my headset off
"Hey where you going?" His face dropped

"Inside? See you round Munson." Keeping my cool

"I was only joking Henderson, c'mon" he gestured towards his van, shooting a dirty look at him making my way to the death trap.

"Do you understand what being jet lagged is even like?" He shook his head remaining silent, opening the side passenger door a gentleman when he wanted to be. Hopping in putting my seat belt on, he closed the door behind me and banged on the window.

Long lost Lovers • EDDIE MUNSON x FEM!HENDERSON!READERWhere stories live. Discover now