Devils night

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October 30th: Devils Night

"I just don't understand what all the fuss is about?" I waved my hands in the air before restocking the shelves with the latest Halloween video tapes, Steve groans setting himself down behind the counter

"So tell me what's Halloween like in the land of tea and Corgis then?" He speaks in a terrible terrible British accent, propping myself in front of him

"I mean  went trick or treating once when I was 6 to 3 houses on my street, my grandma dressed me up in a black bin bag" not being able to help but laugh at the memory "but honestly Steve back home, people don't decorate their houses and we don't have parties. It's more of a American holiday you know?" I rambled on, he stretch's while yawning I quickly plunged forwards trying to stick a finger into his mouth as swats my hand away giving me his stern look.

"Yeah sure, sure but you're no longer in the Uk, you're in Hawkins! What's your plan for tomorrow night?" He tilts his head in curiosity, i tap my lip before I speak

"Most likely will eat some of the sweets-"

"Candy." He interrupts rolling my eyes at him

"As I was saying eat the sweets mum leaves out for trick or treaters, watch a shitty horror and fall asleep." Getting a disappointed head shake from Harrington pursing his lips together, our heads turning to the staff room door as Robin walks out

"Robin! Have you heard Y/n's Halloween plans?" Steve shouts over as she places her hands on her hips

"Yup and it's boringggg"

"Look I've never not celebrated really before okay, I just don't get it." Grabbing cleaning supplies to dust down the shelves

"I mean my parents are away?" My two friends exchanging looks like they had a plan brewing as Steve speaks returning each other a nod of their heads.

"We're having a Halloween party! I'll get a keg sorted, costumes and everything" Harrington jumps out of his chair while Robin claps

"Oh! And we'll go trick or treatin before hand!" Robin speaks with glee

"Honestly guys it's fine, I'm happy to be at home tomorrow!"

Robin runs over grabbing me by neck clinging onto me "come onnnnn, don't be boring! Plus you can totally couple costume with Munson! What's his plan tomorrow?" A shy smile creeps onto my face

"Okay, okay, okay, fine I'll ask Edward but you guys better show me the true Hawkins way!" Leaning my head onto her shoulder feeling her arms grab me by the waist bouncing up and down for joy

"Come on let's go find some totally bomb ass couples you guys can go as" we usher to the back.

My shift finally came to the end, getting home taking a long shower after my long day, letting the warm water sooth my body, tilting my head back letting it rush over my face before stepping out wrapping a towel around me heading down the hallway into my room, putting on my stereo playing Psycho Killer by the Talking Heads, closing my eyes humming to it making sure my towel was in a knot, raising my hands in the air getting lost

"Psycho killer, qu'est-ce que c'est?" Throwing my hands through my hair and swigging my hips "fa, fa, fa, fa, fa, fa, fa, far better run, run, run run, run-"  lost in my own world

"RUN AWAAAAAY" another voice shouts behind me, making me jump grabbing hold of my towel tight crouching down slightly to try and hide whatever bare skin was showing in embarrassment, "What the fuck!" I shirked turning around to see it was eddie with that playful smirk licking his lips

"Well, well what do we have here?" Looking up and down at me

"Do you mind? I'm kinda naked?" Holding the cloth tighter as he lowly chuckles

Long lost Lovers • EDDIE MUNSON x FEM!HENDERSON!READERTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang