Jocks & lockers.

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Feeling the sun beam down onto my face, it was warm, refreshing, opening my eyes to see a topless Eddie clinging onto me, his arms lazily wrapped around my stomach. His hair was all over the place, his fringe sticking up in directions able to see his soft features properly. Who knew that this town could hate someone so much. Sitting up carefully not wanting to disturb, tracing his room, seeing the guitar hanging up, getting off the bed pulling his shirt down I was wearing, tip toeing my way to the beauty in front of me.

"Well aren't you sexy" I whisper to myself holding the guitar, placing myself onto the carpet crossing my legs finding a pick on the floor. As I strum Metal Gods by Judas Priest, humming softly to it. I'm not the best of players but I can play a bit, I hadn't picked up a guitar for a while.

Eddies Pov:

Slowly waking up hearing background noise, thinking Id left my stereo on all night. Sliding my hand out onto the empty space of, opening my eyes facing the wall. Guessing it was a dream. Turning onto my back rubbing my eyes letting out a groan to check the clock on my bedside "7:30am" I mumbled throwing hands through my fringe pushing it away from my face. Quickly glancing at a figure on my floor.

I shot up now I was definitely awake not making a movement, it wasn't a dream. A smirk creeped onto my face, pulling my duvet to my waist leaning on the wall. Her hair was placed in a messy bun on top of her head. My t'shirt slipped half off one of her shoulders. An angel. I didn't think I could fall anymore harder for this babe, watching her play my guitar, she lets out a grunt as she struggled with the tabs on the solo.

Slipping off the bed pulling up my boxers before I sat behind her spreading my legs out so she fitted in between. Placing my lips on her bare shoulder

"morning sweetheart."

She jumps "sorry I didn't mean to wake up let me put this back." She shuffles

"No, it's okay." Using her shoulder as a head rest, kissing her neck. I couldn't get enough of her, her warm, soft skin, that smell of vanilla it was addicting.

"Let me help." Wrapping my arms around her, taking her hands into mine, using her fingers to play the tabs. Feeling her body melt into mine.

Y/n's pov:

We sat there for a while as he used my hands to play, not being able to focus as he kisses all over my upper body, feeling his head once in a while nuzzle into my neck. Who knew Eddie Munson's love language was physical touch. He was so gentle, I felt safe in every way. Turning my head slightly

"What time is it?" He pauses putting the guitar down

"Uhhhh" he pauses "I don't know, why?"

Feeling his hands make their way down to my waist and going under the shirt, his hands massaging the sides of my stomach

"Because we've got school." I bite my lip feeling spaced out from his touch. Spinning myself, wrapping my legs around his bare waist. Placing my forehead onto his.

"We don't have to go today." He mumbles

"We do Munson, specially if you want to graduate" I whisper into his ear kissing his earlobe feeling him shiver under my touch, making my way to his lips giving his bottom lip a nip before pulling away. A soft moan escapes his lips pulling me in tight.

"Henderson" his breath hitched "you are a tease." He bites onto the hem of the top trying to pull the piece of clothing off me, shaking my head laughing grabbing hold on his hands playing with his rings

"Come on I need to go home and change."

"I mean I could totally help you with that" his eyes lite up

Long lost Lovers • EDDIE MUNSON x FEM!HENDERSON!READERWhere stories live. Discover now