Balls and Laundry baskets

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The bell rung for lunch, standing in the canteen looking like a lost soul. Trying to find familiar faces, you spotted the jocks table with Chrissy they all seemed so boisterous then Robin with her fellow band friends that seemed like the safest opinion for now.

"Can I sit here?" Robin turns around shuffing up patting down the seat.

"Yeah of course"

"Thanks" Your nerves start to calm down pulling out a sandwich your mum made the night before.

Eddies pov:

Keeping my eye out for the lovely Y/n, crossing my fingers that she'd sit with us. I spot her standing in the middle of the cafeteria, she looked like a lost little lamb confused not knowing where she'd go. Her head was switching ways till she headed towards the band table, my stomach sank a little hoping she'd sit with the Hellfire table, maybe she didn't want to be seen with us freaks I stared into my lunch deep in thought. Trays hitting the table not looking up just messing with my pretzels.

"Eddie you okay?" I looked up at Mike questioning me putting my mask back on

"Me okay? The leader of Hellfire" I laughed sarcastically "of course." flicking food at mike

"Jesus " Mike mumbled voice as I stared blankly at the two boys

"Anywaayy" Dustin breaking the silence "Mike and I were thinking for tonight-"

Cutting him off "that you should bring your babe of a sister to Hellfire tonight Henderson." A menacing smirk appeared across my face.

"I don't think it's her thing Eddie?" He awkwardly smiled back

"Well what is she into?" The young Henderson shrugs, thinking of a way to get her attention. Slamming my hands on the table making a loud bang standing on top of it as my peers watched.

"If your not into band" I shout making everyone stare thinking of what to say next "or science or partiees" putting a jokey voice on quickly glancing my head to the band table seeing her laughing "or GAMES WHERE YOU SHOOT BALLS INTO LAUNDRY BASKETS" cupping my hands around my mouth to create more volume to the jocks, heckling me by shouting loser. The leader of the douchebag team gets up

"You want something freak?" Shouting defensively, I put my fingers up to my head creating horns, sticking my tongue making Indescribable noise grinning at him as he walks away in defeat, my cult cheering me on as I got down.

"And if you're not into any of them you must be a freak?" I place my hands onto the shoulders of the two young hellfires, giggling away at me.

"I remember when I first saw you sat over there looking like two little lost sheep." Dustin laughed it off and Mike being his reserved self.

"My question is?" The palm of my hand grabbing onto the material of their clothes launching them back onto their feet turning them to face the band table "Does she belong over there or over here?" With a formidable tone.

Y/n Pov:
I couldn't help but laugh at the scene Eddie was creating the guy had confidence I'd give him that turning to Robin

"Is he always like a this?"

She huffs "always" rolling her eyes "he doesn't help himself, he's not very liked."

"Hm" I hummed watching the 'freak' speaking to young boys closely my eyes widen watching him fling Dustin and Mike up, their faces looked terrified. Rage fuelled my body, I marched over to their table

"Hands off them Munson!" Fiercely spat, my fight or flight mode was going off and I chose fight.

"Y/n Henderson, we're just messing about aren't we boys!" He cockily patted them on their backs, looking sheepishly. Pushing my brother and his friend out of the way. Closely looking up at the metal head.

"You touch them boys ever like that again" I lifted my finger up to his face "I'll cut your hands off so you can never jerk yourself off ever again" showing my hostile side, his face dropped, he looked mortified by my comment.

"Okay?" He was speechless "I said okay?" Coldly upping the tone of my voice gritting my teeth. Eddie nodded quickly.

"Now say sorry Munson."

"Wow what a loser being told by a girl." Students around muttering.
"She stood up to the freak." Another said in awe.

"Sorry Dustin and Mike." He quietly spoke, shuffling his feet like a child being told off.

All of a sudden a pain washed over me, taking a step back "ouch" I hissed taking a sharp breath. My head was pounding, I could feel liquid running from my nose, lifting my hand up to it, seeing blood on my hands.

"Y/n?" A concerned voice perked up infront of me, feeling a cold hand full of metal placing on my arm giving it a squeeze of comfort.
The room felt like it was spinning, I shoved Munson's hand off me speed walking out of the hall into fresh air heading to the woods.

Long lost Lovers • EDDIE MUNSON x FEM!HENDERSON!READERTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang