Chapter 42

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Roman rubbed the stubble on his face, well aware that he looked like shit. He felt like shit so might as well match the inside and outside. It's been two months since he walked away from Athena. Two months of utter hell. At first he was too pissed to notice but now that's all he could do. He was still upset that she kept so many things from him, but his missing her was slowly overcoming his anger.

He sighed, today was Thanksgiving, he hasn't celebrated the holiday in a long time, he usually just worked to occupy his mind. Keep from thinking about the family he doesn't have. Or that he didn't have. Apparently werewolves don't celebrate the holiday either but when he mentioned it to Makenzie on the day the cafeteria was finished she was all over it. She did research on typical dishes and traditions. Her group of ladies were determined to have a feast, he had no idea why.

Athena was nowhere to be seen, after the last time he called her a bitch, she perfected the art of avoidance. He couldn't blame her, she walked out right after he said that and her backside is the last thing he saw. He was disgusted with himself for what he said to her, being wrong about Zoe didn't excuse his actions.

Scrapping his razor along his jaw, he wondered if Athena would sit next to him. The whole pack knew something was wrong with their relationship, but no one said anything to him about it. Probably part of that whole respect thing. He hoped she would be beside him, he's been fighting their bond and anytime he was near he felt calmer. He remembered when she told him about werewolves to begin with, the only thing that kept him from screaming like a little girl was her touch.

God he missed her, sometimes it hit him hard, then he would think about all the stuff she did and eventually he could push it off. He ignored the void inside as much as he could, where he used to feel her. At this point he wasn't sure what he wanted from her.

Finally dressed, he checked the time, he was given strict instructions on when to show up and if he disobeyed Makenzie then who knows when he'd get fed again. That she-wolf ruled the kitchen with an iron fist, no one dared cross her. The fact was that the food coming out of there now was out of this world. She was in charge of the layout and equipment choices during the building process.

He still had time to kill, waiting in the empty apartment was not an option. With one last check to his appearance, making sure he didn't miss any hair on his face and his clothes looked good, he walked over to the gym. He was amazed at how it turned out. No one was there, they were either at the cafeteria or getting ready. Running his hand over some of the machines, he felt a swell of pride. No expense was spared or even questioned, he gave the list of what he wanted to Daniel and it was delivered. He tried not to think about how much money she spent on this building alone, all at his direction.

It didn't mean anything, at least that's what he told himself as he inspected all the different types of weights, treadmills, elliptical, bikes, rowing, heavily reinforced boxing bags of all kinds and everything he ever wanted in a gym. A large pad covered open area for classes, mirrors on the walls and a state of the art music system. The big whirlpool was off, when someone wanted to use it, they set the timer. Roman liked the sauna better, and it was designed to hold thirty people so there would be plenty of room. The changing rooms were separated by male and female, with the girls getting twice as much space. Besides the fact females outnumbered the guys, they had more stuff.

It was time for him to present himself at the cafeteria. For an unknown reason, he was nervous. As he reached out to pull the door, it opened on him. "Happy Thanksgiving Kenzie." She smiled at him and hugged him.

"Happy Thanksgiving Luna, come inside, it's cold out there. Follow me," she helped him out of his heavy coat, hanging it with all the others. "Alpha," Makenzie bowed to her, "Please, both of you this way."

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