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"No way you did all that."

"Absolute fuckingly I did do all that."

"Right. You are Seo Changbin after all." Jeongin points out, shaking his head at the scenery of other students laughing and giggling as copies of a picture of Mark Tuan with the banana in his mouth from the video
were stuck on the lockers and walls. A work done by non other than Changbin for his revenge.

"I am unforgettable." Changbin states, having his arms crossed. "And serves him right. Especially for digging up that cursed year book picture of me in middle school with that horrendous hair cut and spreading it on social media. Made my weekend hell."

Jeongin snickered into his hand but then quickly dropped his arm and face after Changbin shot him a death glare. "Sorry not funny not funny."

"He asked for this." Changbin continues with a grin and nods. "Gosh it was worth getting up extra early."

"You're not going to let him live it down huh."

"That's right." The raven head nods. "Gonna make sure this follows him all the way to college even, that jerk. Maybe if he hadn't pretended that banana was a dick he'd be in the clear... Wait who's dick do you think he imagined-"

"Don't you have that morning detention." Jeongin brings up to stop the rambling short one. "The one Mark got you."

"Fuck." Changbin groaned rolling his eyes. "Yeah this whole week I have it too. And after school can you believe that shit."

"Kinda funny not gonna lie."

"Do you really wanna get on my bad side now? You fennec fox." Changbin threatens making Jeongin back up.

"No absolute fuckingly I do not." Jeongin salutes.

Changbin gives him a 'that's what I thought look' then his phone chimes with a text, so he digs out the device from his pocket and reads it. "Oh shit it's Felix. Gotta go meet up with him."

"So you're skipping that detention. Got it of course." Jeongin points out with no surprise and brushes his fingers through his turquoise fringe. "Also meet up for what."

"Uh homework shit." Changbin rushes out and pockets his phone. "Bye, oh and if you see Mark catch his reaction for me on video will you." And the smol raven head walks off.

"I don't want anything to do with this." Jeongin says after him and then tsks ripping off the picture of Mark off his locker. He puts in the combination and right as he gets the locker open and his bag in he gets approached by yet another ravenette. This one is more sassy and sassy.

"Hiii." Hyunjin greets in sing song and Jeongin closes his locker halfway in order to meet his face.

"Oh hi." Jeongin blandly throws back blinking slowly.

"You don't sound excited to see me."
Hyunjin then pouts his lips, leaning his shoulder against the locker beside Jeongin's. "Also you never replied to my good morning text."

"I was gonna see you either way." Jeongin shrugs out and up his shoulder. "So good morning."

"No it's too late. But I forgive you cause you're a cutie. Cutie." Hyunjin calls him with a smile and eyes squinted a bit, arms crossed.

The blue head breaths out and again runs his fingers through his locks. "Hyunjin alright you're too awfully nice. Especially with that good morning text. What's the deal? You want money?"

"Bold of you to assume." Hyunjin replies shifting his gaze away then back to the other "But welp since you're asking me what I want. Simple. Your attention."

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