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"Surprised Bambam hadn't said anything." Jisung murmurs, to Felix as the two were chilling at the lounge in the noisy library. Their language arts class was brought there to get books for a book report assignment, those who were done and have checked out the books got to chill around until given instruction by the teacher to exit.

But yeah Jisung has never encountered someone more annoying and obnoxious like Bambam. Even Hyunjin isn't like that. He's a drama queen but not as annoying as BamBam's level. So Jisung thought for sure Bambam would nag him on and on that dumb rumor involving fuckboy Jaehyun. Yet school is about to end and he's gotten nothing from his loud big mouth. Which he's hella grateful for.

"Cause i made sure of it." Felix scoffed with a hard roll of his eyes, sat beside the other on a different sofa.

"How?"  Jisung asked, turning to the blonde.

"Knowing his obnoxious self and his strange obession with me." Felix cleared his throat. "Told him I'd let him have all of this." He traced his finger down then up gesturing at his figure. "If he kept his mouth shut. Obviously not actually gonna happen."

Jisung hummed with a weak grin. "Thanks."

"But sorry I can't use that on everyone else."

"It's ok. Ugh I hate this day." Jisung groaned, looking away and pinched the ridge of his nose. "Why did Jaehyun have to be..Jaehyun."

"Fuck boys are mindless like that." Felix claimed, holding his books on his lap. "Guess he's still not over the kick in the dick you gave him."

"That and cause I wouldn't give in to what he wanted." Jisung included, dropping back on the chair, just staring ahead. "Like wow I have self respect. Crazy right."

"Welp unfortunately it's not in his vocabulary." Felix sulks pouting his lip. "Wow I'm dealing with bambam while you with Jaehyun. We both got it wild."

And he also has Changbin he's dealing with but he ain't about to bring that up.

Jisung just nods, pressing his lips tightly together, puffing out his cheeks a bit. Then Felix follows up with, staring at his side profile. "Are you gonna tell him?"

"Why would I need to tell Minho."

"Oh hey you knew who I was talking about."

"Lix you're predictable." Jisung commented, glancing back to the blonde. "When do you not bring him up."

"Oi your fault for having the crushy crush."

"Never say that again."

"He's gonna find out either way." Felix warned going back to the main topic, tilting his head, close to his shoulder.

"Ok but we're not dating, why do I have to bother him about it, or why does he have to know." Jisung says.

"Cause I'd love to see him attack like a wild beast again. When he beat the shit out of Wooyoung and he'll do it again." Felix snapped his fingers. "I believe it. He's become protective over you. Like a boyfriend."

Jisung ignores his words and adds. "Plus he was already pissed when I told him about the bag situation."

"What did he say?"

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