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A giddy Jeongin made his way to his locker, air pods jammed in his ears, with 'Billie jean' by Michael Jackson blasting. He had been listening to music since riding the bus.

"Billie Jean is not my lover. She's just a girl who claims that I am the one. But the kid is not my son." The English lyrics leaves Jeongin, singing along to the song as fluent as he could in a mumble, beat and flow made him feel good, grinning to himself.

The half turquoise haired gets to his locker stopping the music, and then takes out the air pods. He puts them in their case and pockets it, with his phone. He gets his locker open and as soon as he was about to put his bag in, his eyes grow and his grin drops from confusion after spotting a folded note in there.

Jeongin turns his head puzzledly, checking his surrounding,wondering who the hell would think to slip it in through one of the cracks and leave that for him. He shifts up his bag to hold it by the strap on his arm, like a grocery bag or purse then grabs the note unfolding it, the suspicion ate at him enough. He reads the words written in bold black sharpie and it
made him tense, chills gushed up his spine.

watch your back.

"Wh-What." Jeongin murmurs in disbelief and re-reads it, this made him terrified. But he wasn't slow because the first person to picture in his mind was Hongjoong. Like who else would want to hurt him.

That being all nice was just an act, plus he'd only do it infront of Hyunjin. Oh Jeongin knew faking this God damn relationship with him was a terrible idea. He should break it off this is his safety on the line.

Jeongin senses someone approaching him from behind. It startles him that he reacts by squeaking out, while tightening his arms. "No don't do anything to me!" Then he flips around to see it turned out to be Hyunjin, who was staring back with surprise.

"Well what I can do is reward you with hugs and kisses, my lovely boyfriend." Hyunjin gushes with a smile, and squint in his eyes.

"Ah it's just you, good." Jeongin says with a gulp afterward, feeling his nerves cool down.

"Yeah don't get too excited geez." The raven head joked, flipping long imaginary hair. Then he notices the note in Jeongin's hand and points it out. "What's that."

Jeongin was close to telling Hyunjin about Hongjoong's threat, but yet it came to him that he doesn't want to make Hyunjin worry, since he still believes things are running smoothly. So Jeongin decides to burst with a lie, shoving the crumbled note in his back pocket. "Oh nothing just a secret admirer."

"Ah wow I'm offended like no yeah I totally don't exist." Hyunjin scoffed.

"Right." Jeongin plays along forcing the upper corner of his lips to lift up. "Like I'm totally talking to air right now."

"Ever seen air so sexy."

"I've never thought to call air sexy."

"Imagine dating air, Jeongin can relate. But anyways." Hyunjin then switches to serious all a sudden. "I need to tell you something really important."

"Yes that I'm cute." Jeongin deadpans, and rolls his eyes up, then meets Hyunjin's again. "You've told me millions of times. Even in messages."

"Very true." Hyunjin smiles and extends his arm out to his cheek and keeps it squished between his fingers. "But that's not it."

"Well then what." Jeongin questions, grabbing that hand and lowering it down.

"Sooo." Hyunjin starts, voice raising up into a high small note. "I might have told my mom that I have a new boyfriend aaand.."

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