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Okay I'm the worst at updating I know. So sorry loves and thank y'all for really enjoying the story 😭💕


Minho ended up being the one to drive Jisung and Felix to their homes. Hyunjin had left minutes ago without even saying where he was going. Most likely to Jeongin's place which is no surprise whatsoever with that obsession of his over the blue head.

It was getting late, Minho was driving in the dark night and seated in the back of the truck was Jisung with a devastated Felix crying, whining, ranting.

"It's just so unfair!" Felix wailed, staring up the truck ceiling, head on Jisung's lap.

"It's okay let it out." Jisung replied sternly, petting at the blonde's locks.

"The one thing I so badly wanted to have happen happened!" Felix exclaimed. "And yet ends in a total fucking disaster! Why me of all people!!? Do I really deserve something shitty? Fuck did I do!!?"

"So so sorry lix." Jisung can only reply with pity, frowning down at Felix. Seeing him like this is heart wrenching and Jisung doesn't even know what to say to be comforting  really since Felix hasn't said exactly what happened. His guess is that probably involves Chan.

"Hey I'm sure you'll feel better by tomorrow." Minho tried, giving one glance at the two in the rear view window.

"Yeah right." Felix scoffed loudly. "I won't feel better tomorrow, or the day after or the day after that. And especially the day after that. Oh and-"

"The day after that." Minho says for him, steering the wheel.

"Yes!" Felix squeaked and crossed his arms with a pout. "Exactly. He's such a jerk."

That rang a bell in Jisung's head and he questions. "Is the 'he' by any chance..Chan?"

"Oh God don't mention his name!" Felix complained. Yep that answers Jisung's question, yet he still wonders what specifically happened.

"We're here." Minho chirped, parking his vehicle in front of the driveway of Felix's house.

Jisung pushes the door open, taking out one leg and tells Felix. "Come on I'll walk you."

"At least you're more of a gentleman." Felix sniffles, picking himself up effortlessly and steps out the truck after Jisung. Seriously what did Chan do? Is what lingered in Jisung's head.

"I'll wait for you here." Minho assures Jisung who gives him a grin and nod his way before shutting the door and walks the blonde up to the front door of the house.

He rings the doorbell and after some seconds fly by Felix's aunt Ruby opens the door and she gasps at the sight of him. "Oh I was worried! Lee Yongbok there you are! But...less bright."

"No longer will I be called sunshine or do i wanna hear anyone call me that." Felix fretted keeping his head down and steps inside the house, going past his aunt.

"Thank you for walking him over here Jisung." The red head woman smiles at the ravenette "And to the other friend back there." She points over at Minho's truck.

"Minho. And of course, Felix is our best friend." Jisung replied with a smile. "I owe him so much."

"Do you know why he that?" The woman asked, gesturing at Felix's negative state, looking concerned.

"No I don't." Jisung sighed crossing one arm over his chest. "I wish I knew. Sorry."

"Darn. Very highly doubt I'll get it out of him." The woman complained with a defeated look. "Well thank you again.  Have a good night."

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