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"I hate people. Hate being around people." Minho had grumbled out under his breath as he had just unintentionally let out what was clogged up in his mind in words.

Jeongin being the one call it out taking it as a joking matter. "Well that's not nice. We are people." He says swaying his arm in a circle motioning towards their group seated around their cafeteria table.

"Shush you fox." Seungmin teases and a loud cackle slips from Changbin, the only one who laughed too.

Jeongin rolls his eyes and drinks from his bought fruit smoothie from the snack bar. "Ok yeah I am fox."

"Forgot to add baby before that." Hyunjin says with a coo, throwing a fond smile at Jeongin's way with his chin on his palm. Seemed to be admiring him.

"Hey hey no wrong." Jeongin glares, pointing a finger at him. "The only baby I know is Changbin. Baby Changbin."

Changbin's eyes squint in confusion. "Why am i- whatever but! Hey even if he was a fox animals are people too." The ravenette states with his mouthful of potato salad.

"First of all we've been over this many times. Do not talk with your mouth full." Hyunjin scoffs out with a digusted look, a scrunched line between his brows. "And second you're not wrong."

"Yeah baby Changbin have some manners." Felix includes with a snicker and pops a baby carrot into his mouth.

"Oh what these manners?" Changbin says and opens his mouth showing the chunks of bitten food making the guys but one protest how gross that is. That's when Jisung had appeared at the table with his tray not putting attention on Changbin's childish behavior but notices the emotionless expression plastered on Minho and how done he looks with everyone. Wow he looks terrifying.

"Man how'd you make it to twelveth grade?" Seungmin exclaims at Changbin and looks away calling out to noone in particular. "Send him back to elementary."

Then Minho stands up, and goes past Jisung leaving the table. Their eyes landing on Minho watching him storm out the cafeteria. Then exchanging puzzled looks with eachother,  the atmosphere completely dialed down and pretty awkward.

"Shit ..he was serious." Hyunjin mumbles facing down at his food.

"It's Jeongin's fault." Changbin throws in. "He started joking around when Minho said he hates people."

"I thought he was playing." Jeongin replies with his palms up in defense. "It's not even the first time he has said that."

"Yeah but those other times he was playing." Hyunjin protests. "This reaction is new."

"Where could he be going?" Jisung questions urgently with narrowed brows as he hadn't sat on a seat still standing with his tray.

"I'd say the roof." Chan suggests. "Y'know those stairs next to the music hall. That's the first place that comes to mind."

"He doesn't wanna be our friend anymore!" Changbin whines out. "What did we do wrong?"

"Nothing it's not us he's-" Jisung sets the tray down on the table. He doesn't got a clue really, but he was determined to find out now. "I'll go check on him, someone has to."

"He's scary, good luck." Changbin hisses and looks away.

"Ignore that first bit." Felix assures Jisung. "It'll be fine, good luck."

Jisung nods and takes off leaving the cafeteria keeping in mind what Chan said, that Minho could be going to the roof so that's where he headed after.

As he stepped into the hallway there was that voice in his head jabbing at him to keep going after Minho and see what's going on and the other telling him to leave it be and don't bother him because this confrontation could go ..wrong.

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