Vol. 1: Club Fair

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Our brown-haired senpai introduced herself with a cute smile on her face, before pointing to the person behind her. It's strange, I feel like I'm seeing Kushida in another form and to make it even stranger, the girl behind her kind of reminds me of Horikita. Probably because of the hair.

Akiyama: It's nice to meet you.

I bowed my head in respect.

Kiyo: It's a pleasure to meet you as well, senpai.

Hirasawa: Well, what are you two waiting for? Go on and show us what you can do! Just don't break them, okay?

Well, I should probably get this over with. There's really no harm in doing one song and if I had to be honest, playing the piano always gives me the feeling of being in peace.

Before I went towards the piano though, I leaned towards Matsushita's ear and whispered something to her. I think I saw her blushing because I'm so close to her right now, but she'll understand why I'm doing this in a bit.

When I moved back, her eyes widened slightly before she smiled at me.

Chiaki: What a surprise. I was actually thinking of asking you if you know how to play that song, Ayanokouji-kun.

I sat on the stool and faced the piano, before taking a glance at Matsushita. She already had her violin ready and was only waiting for me to give her a cue.

I gave her a nod as I began to play.

(Just imagine that that's them, XD. However they only did the first part.)

While I was doing my part, I couldn't help but sneak a glance at Matsushita.

From where I was sitting, she looked absolutely stunning. Even the way she played the violin was full of grace. She must have honed that skill ever since she was a kid, or she was just this talented.

I already acknowledged that she's one of the most beautiful girls in class, but it only truly felt like she was that right now.

Seriously, any guy would be lucky to have her as a girlfriend. I know I would be.

After we finished up our little duet, I stood up, faced our senpais and bowed my head in respect for letting me use their equipment. Matsushita did the same as well.

That was when the sound of cheering and applause filled my ears.

Looking around, a small crowd of students had gathered around us and they were all clapping their hands while cheering for how good we did. I noticed that Hirata was among them and he looked impressed.

Even Horikita was clapping her hands.

Hirasawa: Woooow~ It's been such a long time since I've seen someone with this kind of talent! Please join us later, Ayanokouji-kun! Oh, and you too, Matsushita-chan! We could really use someone of your talents!

Hirasawa-senpai was moved to tears by our duet, to the point that she was clutching on to my blazer while begging for us to join.

I was almost convinced by her crying face but fortunately, I have a high amount of self-control.

Kiyo: Thank you for the offer, senpai, but I'm not really sure about joining a club just yet. I'll definitely keep it in mind, though.

Matsushita: This club is surely one of my options, senpai.

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