(24) who are these people?

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"WE SHOULD PROBABLY GO SEE WHAT THE OTHERS ARE DOING" Robin sighed as Sam hugged the girl. She had her chin rested on her shoulder and stared at the bright lights emitting from the restroom sign, shining blue onto the drastically patterned carpets.

"Do we?" Sam murmured as she breathed in the soft scent of Robin's perfume. She didn't want to have to go back to accepting that they were on the run from the Russian government having just got back from being tortured. She also didn't want to think about what she'd seen down there, the pulsating wall that Steve and Dustin had called 'the gate' to another world. She had a feeling that she wouldn't enjoy learning any more about this.

"Unfortunately" Robin stepped back and stared at Sam for a moment, smiling gently as she moved forwards and kissed her cheek. Sam laughed, her face lighting up as she did so. It hurt, pulling her split lip and tugging at the ache in her jaw but she couldn't stop herself from smiling at Robin no matter how hard she tried.

"When this is all over" Sam looped her arm over Robin's shoulders, "we're gonna go out"

"Oh are we?" Robin asked in sarcasm, "and where are we going?"

"Ummm... I don't know" Sam frowned, "we could go skating again—"

"Definitely not" Robin interrupted,

"Oh come on" Sam grinned as they walked towards the restroom door, "it was fun"

"For you maybe" Robin shrugged,

"Well, I'll go wherever you want to go" Sam spoke close to the girls ear. Robin smiled, ducking her face down slightly and Sam noticed the familiar tinge of blush spreading over her cheeks. It made her feel accomplished, Sam kissed the side of the girls head quickly before she removed her arm from around her shoulders and walked into the restroom.

"I was drugged!" Steve was yelling very loudly, "drugged man, I can't control what I do"

"Stay put, that's all I told you to do" Dustin argued,

"Well I'm here now" Steve waved his arms wildly.

"And where are Robin and Sam?" Dustin snapped.

"Right here" Robin stated happily.

All three of them swung around, surprised to be caught in the middle of their argument. Erica looked bored, Dustin relieved and Steve had a wide eyed expression as he looked between Sam and Robin hopefully. Sam frowned as she turned to Robin to see the girl nod. Steve looked thrilled by this statement which just confused her even more.

"We need to get out of here" Dustin stated,

"Well noted, genius" Sam muttered under her breath.

Dustin ignored this comment, "right, when the movie is finished there's gonna be a huge crowd of people... so when they come walking past, we come out the bathrooms and join them. Blend in, ok?"

"Yeah, that's not gonna work" Erica folded her arms, "you think we can blend in"

Sam stared around at them, Sam and Steve with their bruised faces, the sailor uniforms, Erica and Dustin's bright clothes, curly hair. Not to mention Sam's arms lathered in tattoos. They certainly weren't the most subtle group of people.

"Well it's my only plan" Dustin shrugged, "I'm gonna go check when the movie comes out"

"Whatever" Erica rolled her eyes as she followed him. The door swung shut behind them with a soft click and Sam turned back to the others who were still beaming at each other.

"Am I missing something?" Sam asked as she looked between them.

"Oh, Steve knows" Robin stated simply.

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