(18) being claustrophobic in an elevator

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SAM SUPPOSED THERE WERE CERTAIN points in life for reflection. Times to look back and ask, how exactly did I get here? While she sat up on the roof of the building opposite Starcourt, crouched very close to Robin and staring at the doors of what they suspected to be a super secret Russian storage facility waiting for a ten year old girl to break in to gain free ice cream for life, Sam asked herself that exact question.

It was cold, the air nipped against her skin, bare arms which almost pressed against Robin's. She was in her Scoops uniform again. Something that Sam had become accustomed to seeing her in. She could feel the warmth of her flesh from where she sat, certainly better than her ice cold complexion.

"Erica do you copy?" Robin stated into her walkie-talkie.

Sam had only met Erica very briefly while they set up the plan to break into the storage facility but she already thought she was brilliant. This ten year old girl had more attitude than anyone Sam had ever met. Her insults were perfectly timed and her sarcasm may even challenge Sam's, she was amazing. She knew what she wanted and she also knew she was going to get it. In this case, it was free ice cream.

"Mmm hmmm, I copy" Erica replied, "You nerds in position or what?"

"Yeah we're in position" Robin smiled lightly, "It's all quiet here so you've got the green light"

"Green light, Roger that" Stated Erica, "Commence operation child endangerment"

Sam snorted under her breath

"Can we maybe not call it that?"

"See you on the other side" Erica ignored the question, "Nerds"

Everything went rather quiet after that. As usual, Sam wanted to talk to Robin. Every time she was even slightly close to her, she found that burning need for conversation. There was a lot she wanted to talk about but the majority of it stemmed from the conversation they'd shared previously, about female Russians. To Sam this made it clear that she knew of Sam's sexual orientation and although Sam often made comments to herself that she didn't look like the type of person to be interested in guys, she still found it strange. More than anything it made her wonder how Robin had said it so casually, no one had ever been causal about it before. Sure not a lot of people knew but Robin had just thrown it out there. It seemed strange, it seemed wrong.

Sam looked across to Steve and Dustin who were watching the Walkie-talkie closely. She wished that they weren't there so she could tell Robin that although she'd certainly be more likely to flirt with Russian women than Russian men that she had no interest in either because the only person she wanted to flirt with was a slightly awkward, incredibly smart ice cream employee with cherry perfume and gorgeous freckles.

Steve sneezed and Sam was drawn out of her daze. She watched Robin tap her fingers on the side of the black plastic device she held in her hands. Her nails were so chipped that they were less painted than plain. Sam analysed the shapes the small chips had made as though looking for pictures in the clouds. She didn't find any although if she squinted the patch on her thumb could've been a heart.

Sam wasn't sure how much time had passed mainly because she was so dazed by her close proximity to Robin that nothing else remotely mattered but soon enough, the radio buzzed to life again.

"Alright nerds, I'm there"

"Do you—do you see anything?" Robin asked hopefully, maybe nervously. Sam couldn't tell.

"Yeah, I see those boring boxes you're so excited about" Erica sounded as though she was ready for all of this to come to an end. Sam was too, she wanted to go home with Moss and listen to The Clash. In her scenario, Robin was with her. She was unsure now whether she would be by her side or somewhere with Steve, everything was so peculiar.

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