(12) you didn't know

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(the song Robin sings in this chapter is goodbye rocket ship by maya hawke)

SAM SKIDDED AROUND THE CORNER, ALMOST SENDING a child to the floor as she skipped past the queue and landed at the front counter with both palms planted on the surface. She could hear complaining behind her as Steve gave her an exasperated look.

"You can't just shove in front of everyone Quincey it's rush hour" Steve complained loudly, "how desperate are you for this fucking mint ice cream"

"Where is she?" Sam gasped for breath, "Robin, where's Robin?"

"She's not here" Steve frowned, placing two tubs of ice cream on the counter for the customers Sam had pushed in front of. Steve grabbed Sam's arm and pulled her around to stand away from the queue as he stared at the many angry faces that she'd caused.

"What do you mean she's not here?" Sam asked with a small hiss as Steve continued serving customers, a bored expression on his face.

"She's not well, flu or something" Steve shrugged, "hence why I'm on my own at rush hour"

"She's ill?" Sam asked in concern, "shit... I need to speak to her"

"There's such a thing as a phone you know" Steve muttered, "Ahoy! What can I get you today?"

"I don't have her number... anyway I'd rather see her in person"

"Good choice" Steve spoke to the teenagers giggling at him, "personally I prefer the sorbet... much more, exciting"

"Harrington can you stop flirting for two seconds" Sam snapped and the girls laughed even harder.

"I'm going to kill you Quincey" Steve muttered under his breath, giving her a death glare. "Robins not here, why do you need to see her so bad anyway?"

"She came round to my house last night" Sam explained softly, "to give me my Cure tape back, and Harrington I was high as shit, it was so embarrassing I just... need to talk to her"

"Hmm sorry" Steve turned to her sarcastically, "you got high on your own after taking the piss out of me for being—"

"It's completely different" Sam spoke over him, "do you know her address?"

"You can't just go walking round to her house" Steve laughed,

"I know it's Anderson road" Sam continued as Steve watched the giggling teenagers walk off with their ice cream, "I just need the number, I'll knock on every door if I have to"

"Jesus Christ you're desperate" Steve frowned, "ahoy! What can I get you today?"

"Steve I need to explain myself" Sam rubbed her hands over her face, "I was acting stupid—"

"You always act stupid" Steve sighed, "rocky road? Oh that's a great choice"

"Harrington just give me the fucking number or I'm going to stand around here all day pestering you"

"It's twenty three" Steve said quickly, "but don't go—"

Sam had already turned, pushing past more customers before she broke into a job. Her heart hadn't stopped beating into her mouth since she'd woken up that morning. She could see Robin in her mind, dancing, laughing, talking and she remembered the stupid words she'd said. Sam had to explain that she talked shit when she was high, that she hadn't meant to call Carrie Fisher a smoke show or call Robin cool knowing what she'd said about her type.

She jumped on a bus, shoving herself into a seat and jumping her leg up and down. Sam could see it now, Robin's strange expression. The note had suggested otherwise, it was still crumpled up in her back pocket, sitting there like a reminder that Robin didn't assume the worst. Regardless, Sam had to see her.

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