(19) sam isn't very good at russian

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SAM MOVED ROBIN BEFORE SHE WOKE UP in an attempt to avoid any awkwardness. When the girl sat up, her eyes were bleary and smudged with eyeliner. Sam was sat in the other corner of the room messing with her rings, not looking at them at all.

Steve and Robin conversed briefly in a low tone that meant that Sam couldn't hear what they were saying before they split apart, maybe intimidated by the glares that they were being given by the other adult. Soon after, Dustin started attempting to contact someone above in the mall with a loud and annoying call, repeating the same phrases over and over again.

Things were rather slow, Sam was still feeling incredibly sick as she tapped her fingers on the metal floor. Her fear of small spaces certainly hadn't gone away overnight and the fact that she hadn't slept just made her feel like shit. There was a sharp ache in her head as she stared at her fingers and prayed this would all be over soon.

She was disturbed by the sound of liquid running down one of the walls. Sam looked up in interest to see a watch patch growing on the concrete to her left, dripping down with a horrible sound and an even worse stench.

"Lovely" Sam muttered under her breath.

"Can you redirect your stream please?" Robin called angrily.

A second later the trail of piss vanished and Sam heard it trickling down the wall behind her. Robin scoffed as Sam contained to stare at the ceiling trying to ignore the way the room started to smell. Sam tapped one boot on the corner of a box before turning to see Erica hitting one of the cyclical objects against the side of a metal crate.

"What are you doing?" Sam asked in a bored voice.

In an instant Robin had turned around to see what was going on. Sam was surprised she hadn't heard it earlier, the loud clanging echoed off the walls which meant that Robin must've been deep inside her thoughts, that, Sam could understand.

"Hey, hey!" Robin called, hurrying over, "Be careful, careful, careful"

Robin snatched the strange object from Erica's hands, "We don't even know what that is"

"Exactly, it could be useful" Erica replied with a frown.

"Useful how?"

"We can survive down here a long time without food" she continued smartly, "But if the human body doesn't get water, it will die"

"I hate to break it to you but this is not water" Robin brandished the mess of green in front of the girls face.

"No, but it's a liquid" Erica folded her arms "And if it comes down to me drinking that shit or dying of thirst, I drink"

"Actually" Sam got today her feet slowly, "I drank something that looked like that once. One time, Amanda Cooper's party, some legend mixed energy drinks and vodka... think there was food colouring in it but then some bastard threw up and it looked like—"

"Sam" Robin interrupted with an exasperated expression on her face. Before Sam could finish her anecdote, there was the sound of whirring in the distance.

"What was—"

"Shhh" Robin hushed quickly as she dashed to the large metal doors and pressed her ear against it. Sam could hear the electrical sounds of something approaching.

"We've got company" she said suddenly. Steve poked his head through the hole on the roof in surprise before Robin jumped and caught the sides of the trapdoor, nearly hitting her head off Steve, their faces awfully close. Both of them laughed awkwardly before Steve pulled Robin up. Sam muttered under her breath.

Erica went next, Sam gave her a leg up before Steve took her arms and pulled her to safety. The metal doors had started to move when Sam grabbed hold of the sides and dragged herself up. Robin took her forearms and helped pull her as Sam turned and dragged her legs inside, backing away from the opening and Steve hastily closed it.

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