(14) the way i love the ocean

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SAM SAT ON THE UNCOMFORTABLE METAL SEAT OF THE BUS STOP, her leg jumping up and down. Her eyes remained settled on her watch as she wondered what curse made time move so slowly. Sam was early, a product of the bus times rather than her competence and sat looking around at every face that passed her by.

She was assured that Robin had told her to wait by the bus stop. It had only been two days ago, surely she hadn't forgotten. Robin didn't seem the type of person to be early, the opposite really yet she couldn't be too late to her job. Steve was in there on his own and she was due to start in fifteen minutes.

The hot summers sun shone down uncomfortably on the back of Sam's neck. She was dressed in shorts, revealing the trailing lines over her flesh. Her skin was already feeling the heat of the sun and Sam was more than sure she'd be left with prickling sun burn by the end of the day. Sweat glistened against her face, her arms, her palms. It made her hair feel like a boiled kettle and she fiddled with her rings slipping around on her fingers.

"Hey!" Someone called. Sam's face snapped up to see Robin hurrying towards her. The girl had a red tinge over her face from the sun, her freckles even brighter. She carried her bag covered in metal pins and wore her sailors uniform. Laces messily tied and one sock pulled to her knee while the other slip to reveal a small bruise on her calf. Robin often walked into things.

"Hi" Sam smiled, getting to her feet and regretting wearing black, "I need some ice cream"

"It's awful isn't it?" Robin stated as they started to walk in time, "the heat I mean"

"Can't sleep" Sam yawned, "my air con is bust"

"You're joking?" Robin gasped, "can't you buy a fan"

"When my wage comes in yeah" Sam shrugged, "that's next week"

"You can't wait that long" Robin seemed shocked, "I'll give you some money, I owe you for the tattoo anyway"

"Don't be stupid" Sam stated casually, "how's she doing anyway?"

"I love it" Robin grinned, pulling her sleeve up to reveal the work on her right shoulder. Sam was always impressed at herself, the clear cut lines and perfect detail. Robin's tattoo was incredibly simple but it looked great anyway. Sam ran her thumb over the lines to check the smoothness, the redness around was fading now and there was a small collection of ink over the heart.

"That'll clear" Sam pointed at the heart, "it's just dry skin"

"Great" Robin smiled, "um... what ice cream are you getting today?"

"Was that a genuine question?" Sam raised her eyebrows.

"Kind of" Robin shrugged, "not trying something new?"

"I know what I like" Sam replied, "anyway, I think you're stalling"

"What?" Robin acted surprised.

"You promised me a song" Sam smiled sideways at her, "I'm still waiting"

"Oh yeah" Robin sounded nervous, looking around.

"No one's gonna hear you" Sam stared at the quiet street, "we'll just go through the back door"

"Yeah I know it's just uh" Robin frowned, "I'm not sure the songs are ready"

"I don't mind" Sam shrugged.

"Right um... sure"

"Look if you're uncomfortable about it—"

"I'm not" Robin said quickly, "just being stupid... I did promise after all"

"Can't break a promise" Sam mused.

"Sure um... I think I'll sing... the one it's uh called... um, to love a boy"

𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐛𝐨𝐲 | robin buckleyWhere stories live. Discover now