(6) let's dance

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PEONY WASN'T BEST PLEASED THAT HER MOM HAD TOLD SAM NOT TO TAKE HER TO STARCOURT but despite how much Sam wished they could be walking into the mall with ice cream in their sights, she wasn't about to go against Maisie. After all, it was only due to the kindness of the woman that allowed her to see her half sister in the first place. The idea of having that taken away from her terrified Sam, her sister was pretty much all she had.

Despite this fact, the crush she had on Robin seemed to be spurring her on. Sam didn't like calling it a crush, she preferred the terms doomed romance or true love but hence the fact she was nineteen working in a pizza place, she felt these terms were less accurate.

She didn't stop enjoying the days she spent with Peony simply because they couldn't go to the mall anymore, she walked around parks and forests with the young girl as she heard stories of school and wondered how some children actually enjoyed being taught. Sam remembered in secondary school she was definitely more obedient than she had been in high school but this didn't mean she'd ever liked education. However, she'd never been very smart and it was clear Peony was the opposite.

Sam didn't go back to the ice cream parlour for another five days. For a while she told herself she would never go back. It was torture to a high extent, seeing Robin and knowing she simply didn't stand a chance. It hurt to see her, to talk to her. When Sam lay in her bed smoking weed, she could feel her hand on her forearm and it prickled with electricity. Sam wondered if Robin had felt it too.

However in the back of her mind she knew whatever she imagined was simply delusion. Yet no matter how much it hurt her, how much it tore her heart, Sam couldn't stay away. Robin was pretty much the only exciting part of her life. Sure she loved Peony but taking a young girl round parks wasn't exactly thrilling. Robin on the other hand was everything to her.

Therefore after the five day hiatus from Scoops Ahoy, Sam had absolutely no choice but to go back. She'd spent the entire day in her bed eating cold pizza with a soft headache in her eyes. Sam had been listening to music and drawing a bat tattoo again and again in the hopes of pleasing Eddie Munson who seemed thrilled at the prospect of bats on his forearm.

It had been close to four when she'd decided she had to go. This was probably a mistake, it was late in the day which meant getting a bus back would be a nightmare. Somehow the idea of Steve driving her gave Sam small heart palpitations. Not because she enjoyed Harrington's company but because within the small and contained space she could smell the sweet cherry of Robin's perfume.

She'd used loose change in the bottom of her bag to pay for the bus, her leg jittering all the way. Sam knew that she was a complete fool. How could she disguise this? Whenever anyone else talked of their crushes and infatuation she'd roll her eyes and talk about how pathetic it all was and now she was surely worse than all of them combined. Sam wished this was the beginning of some enlightening romance novel but in reality she supposed her name would more likely be written in the Hawkins post under the title 'watch out for the Dyke'.

Sam didn't waste any time in pretending to comb the shops. After all, with wasting her money on ice cream, she didn't exactly have dollars for tattoos or records. Only thing she would need to think of was replacement ink for her tattoo gun. Ink prices could be a bitch but Sam usually bulk bought it whenever her salary came in. Considering the lack of money she received, spending it on mint ice cream that wasn't even that good seemed stupid. Sam liked to think that instead she was spending the money simply to be in the presence of Robin Buckley.

To her complete amazement, when she turned the corner into the bright and slightly ominous entrance of Scoops Ahoy, her eyes landed on Robin standing behind the counter instead of Steve. She looked gorgeous as usual, leant on her hand with her hat askew on her head. She was chewing gum and Sam wondered whether it was mint or bubblegum. She had the urge to find out and not by asking Robin if she had any spare.

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