Azura x reader a smal horror adventure (request)

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Request: Darkslayer34
Tw: none

"This carnival is so fun y/n, the carousel was magic!" My girlfriend cheered happily, as I helped her down the fake horse of the attraction, as she giggles a bit, covering her face, just seeing her like this made me smile, this week we've both been really busy with the last exams at school and with family, since yesterday we both gave our last exams we decided to celebrate spending the whole day at the local carnival, since Azura lives far from here it was the first time at this carnival, I admit I was a bit nervous at first, but seeing how happy she is now is really worth it

"I'm glad you like it so far, there's still much to do" I said pointing at the panoramic wheel, the food stands and the carts, we don't know what to do next so we simply take a stroll around the biggest carnival i've ever seen, just few minutes later on we stopped together to a stand to buy some cotton candy, to then procede with our small walk, Azura suddenly stops in her track tilting her head and looking at a specific attraction "y/n, what's that building over there?"

She asks a bit curiose "oh it's the only permanent attraction of this carnival, it's an old house built over a century ago and it was in poor condition until ten years ago" she got a bit closer to the house and touched the right side of the wall, shaking what looks like a cobweb off of her fingers "it's still in poor conditions" she says giving one more glance at the old building, i scoffed a bit picking up the piece of cobweb Azura threw on the ground "it may look so, bit the cobwebs and the moss are fake, ten years ago an old friend of my parents thought 'hey, this creepy place could be a perfect infested house' and so he transformed this house into a really scary attraction, what do you think about it?"

She looked at me in disbelief, i guess by now I was used to it since I spent my childhood there and also was the first person who ever tested it, but for someone like her this structure must look really different "it's really realistic" she said walking around, to the other side of the building, at last she turned towards me "have you ever been inside it" she asked curioly "I was the first one to ever do so, I grew up visiting it at least once a month, but recently iv'e skipped some visits, I haven't been here in a year or so" I say, thinking about my old habit that died because of school "how scary is it?" Azura asked, odd, she's never been one for scary movies, stories or games, and never even wanted to try "well, quiet a lot, even if it's just a carnival it's one of the best I've ever seen" she then looked at me dead in the eyes "do you want to go there with me?"

"Are you sure? I mean I'd love to but I didn't think you liked horror" she looked aside, with her cheeks red "well, you're not completely wrong, but I want to try, and what better way than to try it with you..."  how... fucking... CUTE!
Looking at her I probably was her same colour by now, if Leo saw us he'd probably think we're two walking tomatoes "well then allow me to lead you in this horror adventure " I said offering her my hand, which she smilingly took

we walked together to the entrance, I immediately recognised the guy at the counter, he's f/n(friend's name) the son of my fathers's friend, the one who usually came to the haunted house with me "y/n, glad to see you!" "Glad to see you too f/n, it's been ages!" I said, f/n turned his eyes from me to Azura a wide grin spread on his face "dude, who's your friend there, did you replaced me" I rolled my eyes and annoyance " ha ha real funny, she is my girlfriend Azura, Azura he's f/n, an old friend of mine " Azura smiled and waved at him, but I could clearly read she felt a bit uncomfortable, how could I blame her, f/n was... annoying, to put it nicely, so we got the tickets and headed him immediately

Once we opened the first door Azura looked around the darkened hall and took a step towards the old clock, facing it, I placed myself behind her, ready for what had yet to come, the skeleton cuckoo popped out in Azura's face with a creepy laughter, she let out a small yelp and took a step back bumping into me, which seemingly scared her even more, when she turned and saw me she punched my arm then hugged me "you scared me more than the stupid clock!" She said squeezing me tightly and pouting a bit, to be honest I could barely hold a laughter "sorry, I'll be more careful, I promise"

We went on, up the wooden stairs, to what looked like a bedroom, but of course it was no ordinary bedroom, The whole room was filled with skeletons fake blood cobwebs and fake spiders hanging on them even though I did remember it a bit different all the furniture was still there it was just in a different position, in order to get to the next room we had to go through an old wardrobe, there's a creepy thing was that we had to work right next to an all white, man size puppet, I do remember that at the time a jump scare would happen as soon as you opened the wardrobe door, so I went first, I know she said she wanted to experience it but poor thing she was still scared about the cuckoo clock, and surprise surprise... what?

No jump scare, I was so sure it was there I do remember it vividly, if they changed it where could that jumpscare be? I decided to just ignore it for the time being it maybe was on next door, so i motioned Azura to come ahead and we walked together trough the door "you know y/n, I'm fine now, there's no need for you to hold my shoulder" she said giggling "hon, I'm not holding your shoulder..." her face was pale with fear as we both turned to see the puppet in the room before holding Azura's shoulder, there he was, the fucking jumpscare!

I flinched for a second but after realising the genius idea my old friend had a small grin appeared on my face , let's just say Azura didn't feel the same, her scream was so loud even the puppet had to cover its ears, she then fell on her back and moved behind me, She was berthing fast, that shitty jumpscare really did a number on her, the puppet didn't notice it, and after the scream he went back to his old position, clearly used to girls screaming, i squatted down next to her holding her shaky arms "don't worry, it's a game, it's just a game, breath with me" we both sat on the floor until she started calming down a bit "hey, if you don't feel like going on we can just leave..." she held onto me for dear life as she repeatedly nodded, so we just proceeded backwards paying extra attention to the previous jump scares

I briefly said goodbye to my old friend only to focus my attention on Azora, although she was still a bit shaken by what happened she was feeling way better now that we were outside the building "never again" she said " well, now that we know this ain't your world why don't we do something else, what do you want to do next?" "Maybe just sit and rest, I'm still feeling a bit dizzy" she answered " perhaps a blood sugar drop? Let's just find a bench and get something to eat, shall we?"

Fire emblem x reader (requests opened)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora