Freyja x reader (request) safe in the dreamscape

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Gender: male
Request: Darkslayer34
Words: 1092
Tw: none

"Lady Freyja, we have to go! The castle's coming down!" The askarian's attack was so powerful the castle's walls were crumbling "I'm not going anywhere without my brother y/n!" Only one though crosses my mind 'He is dead, and he's not coming back' I thought to myself, but I refrained from saying it out loud, it would only crush her completely, and that's the last thing I want, especially since I swore to protect her with my life

Since her brother's death she's almost completely powerless and emotionally wrecked, there is only one way to get out of this situation alive, and that solution is the dreamscape, I hope this will work...

I give her one last chance "my lady, if you stay here you'll die" she looks at me with dead eyes "I said not without my brother!" At this point I had no more choice, if I wanted to honour the promise I made all those years ago I had no choice

"I'm sorry my lady" I said as I picked her up and started running, everybody there was dead and there was no way we could've saved them, there was only one way to get out of here alive, and it's the dreamscape

"Y/n, what the hell are you doing?!?" " saving your life" I said as I ran through the portal that would bring us to safety, we managed to head there without anyone following us, and as we watched the portal closing behind us Freyja couldn't hold her tears anymore, and started crying, clinging onto me, the madness in her eyes was completely gone, replaced by sorrow and despair, it was hard to see her in that state, she always had to keep being strong for her fairies, but now that they were dead she had no more reasons to hold in her feelings

She didn't even care where were we, she just sat there, crying in my arms, we sat there for what felt like hours of her just sitting there and silently sobbing with me petting her hair in an attempt to soothe her she she managed to let out a sentence "don't leave me, I couldn't bare to lose you too" she said while wrapping her arms around me and holding me even closer "I won't leave you Freyja, not on my life "

After the sentence she calmed and finally relaxed her eyes a bit, when she opened them again she realised that the place where we were shouldn't exist "y/n, where exactly are we?" She said looking around at the flowers

"When you became queen of the nightmares you accidentally brought back this place, hidden from everybody's eyes for ages, this is the dreamscape, a place where humans can't enter even in their deepest dreams, it's the only place we can be safe" here eyes were still on the vast field as she bent down to pick a flower "the dreamscape?" She made a small pause looking at the flower she just picked, and just when I thought she was about to speak again she didn't, and just walked away, exploring I suppose

In the passing days Freyja a lot of time on her own having walks or just sitting in the grass, I could notice she felt a bit nostalgic and missed her brother very much, whenever she saw a flower that reminded her of him she cried.

for the first whole week I was afraid for her mental health, she never showed any emotion, aside from sadness and regret, for the first days she even refused to talk, I was starting to fear she would have never been herself again, but for the first time in my life I'm glad I was wrong

During the second week I saw her at the mystical lake, swinging her legs into the water, a small fish swam beside her, splashing some water on her face, at the contact with the water she flinched a bit, but nevertheless she giggled

I haven't seen her smile in ages, let alone giggle, that small laugh gave me hope, hope that things would eventually get better, hope that she could feel ok again

As I sat on a small hill looking at the horizon a hand tapped my shoulder lightly, it was her "lady Freyja do you need anything?"she sat beside me "you can drop the 'lady' y/n, I'm not the queen of nightmares anymore, besides I'm sorry if I treated you poorly this week, I truly am" she said looking down shyly, was she blushing? "Don't worry, I know you were stressed, it's a lot to take in" "but still I feel really bad about it, so I made you a truce gift" truce gift? She took a flower crown and rested it on my head while pulling out of her pocket a small mirror, the crown looked really good "it's really beautiful, thank you Freyja " "truce?" "Truce"

Over the next weeks we became inseparable, we enjoined every single second as if it was the last, we walked together, watched butterflies together, we even swam in the lake!

I got to see the happy side of her more often, she was also different from when she became queen, she looked more like she did when she played with us, before we became dream fairies, she was smiling and playing, as if we both were still kids

Her power was gone, but I still had some, so I managed to create a small hut big enough for the both of us, in a normal dream we couldn't do this, but the dreamscape is not a normal dream layer, here we can play with the reality around us, even if sometimes it gets a bit outta control

"Y/n! Look at what I found!" She said bringing me something, it was a ring... fuck

In the last month or so I started to develop feelings for Freyja, but I didn't think it would turn into this, how should I tell her Now?

"I must be recovering my powers!" What? I look at her a bit shocked "I know it may sound odd but in the last few weeks I fell for you" I smiled at her "I have a good news and a bad news, what do you want to hear first?" She looked at me worried "the bad one..." she said hesitantly "the bad news is your powers aren't recovering, the good one is that the ring was my wish, I love you Freyja  "

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