Dimitri x (kidnapped) reader- Thomas, the librarian*

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Tw: there's kidnapping and blood, a whole lot of blood


As usual i'm the only one left to the training ground, even Felix left.

I'm sparring against the air, when I suddenly I heard something someone approaching from behind, i turn around in full alert, raising my sword against him, but then i realised it was just Dimitri, my house leader

"what are you doing up so late?" He asked as he leaned against the wall crossing his arms " just training, your highness, care to join me?" but as i lend him a training lance he refuses it "you know you just broke Felix's record of hours spent at the training ground? Don't you think it's more than enough?" I stiffened for a second, then I shook my head

"As long as i'm not strong enough to beat the death knight I won't stop, when we rescued Flayn I almost died, and that managed to fuck up all of professor Byleth's strategy " remembering that I almost started crying, i felt a mix of guilt, cringe and shame, one of the worse thing I have ever felt, it took me days to feel normal again.

It's the first time I let out those feelings, and Dimitri looks surprised, also kinda worried? No, I must be misinterpreting him. It's curious that this sudden outburst happened in front of him, life was pulling another shitty joke displaying all my weaknesses in front of the guy I had a crush on.

A crush as childish, dumb and hopeless as me. The only way I can end this without humiliating myself even further is running, running until I learnt a little skill called restraint

"Anyway, I need to go, good night your highness " I said running out of the training ground and headed towards my room, at some point I felt a wet towel covering my mouth and a pair of arms grabbing me from behind I i tried to wrestle them off and scream for help, but as soon as I took a breath through the cloth a sweet smell invaded my lungs stealing my consciousness.

Time skip to the morning, Dimitri POV

Strange thoughts come to my mind as I walk to the school canteen
After last month's mission I noticed she started skipping meals to go training, but how did I not notice the amount of stress she was under, goddess I'm such a dumbass

Y/n said she doesn't feel strong enough but nothing could be farther from the truth, if Byleth sent her against the death knight on her own it's just because they know she one of the strongest students in this whole monastery.

I've always admired her for her strength, for her tactical abilities, for her caring and friendly personality, for her beauty...

That admiration soon enough turned into something more, and now I'm stuck with this crush, I'm not going to say a word about it, in this moment a "heartfelt declaration of love" is the last thing she needs, especially one from a beast such as me

And as I took my breakfast I took a glance around the room to find her , I had to apologise for being so inconsidered last night.

Knowing her recent habit I suspected her to be already training but as I opened the heavy door of the training ground, she was still nowhere to be seen, I was starting to get worried

As I walked out I noticed something on the ground, a wet towel and some blood, I freaked out and so I called the whole class and professor Byleth.
Seeing all the commotion Edelgard stepped forward and suddenly froze shaking her head "they didn't fucking do it" It was clear she knew something about it but just as I was about to ask her she turned to me and started speaking again "Dimitri, if this is what I think, and I'm SURE it is, than I know where is Y/n" I have never seen that look on her face, she looks paralysed by fear "then where is she, tell me, I need to know it!" At this point she sighed and shook her head as in an attempt to shake off the fear she felt "we have start marching now, Reha mustn't Know about any of this, I'll explain while we get to there"

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