Robin x reader -the new tactician

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Well, all my friends in the army say I'm a smart person, and that I could be a good tactician, but frankly I prefer swinging my sword than  writing strategies, schemes, and stuff like that.

I didn't want to train as a tactician, or at least not until I found out that my strategy teacher was Robin, Well, he is handsome and smart and he's very close to Prince Chrom.

I'm a knight, and so are all my friends, they always encourage me, especially Frederick, when I told him that Lissa encouraged me to have some private strategy lessons he was happy about it, but when I mentioned that I had to take them with Robin he tried to stop me. He say he doesn't trust him (and I get why) but I feel like I can trust him, and this feeling saved my life many times in battle.

So here I am, playing chess with Robin it's the third time in a row, it's the third time I lose to him,and I'm about to lose for the fourth time "wait, I have a plan" i exclaim looking at him, "it's not possible, whatever move you make you're gonna end up losing in two rounds" so I put my hand under the table flipping it "I can't lose if there's no game" I say lifting up my sword ready to train "y/n, you can't flip the battlefield like a chessboard " his usual sarcastic tone manages to get on my nerves making me answer angrily "being smart is not enough to win a fight"  "and being strong isn't enough to win a war"
Afterwards he takes a breath and smirks a bit "dear naga you really are fit for this job" I look at him in surprise, what did he just say? "What are you talking about? Are you delusional?" "You think out of the box, you're the first person who ate my queen in chess, you're stubborn and you have a good swordplay "

"So this wasn't a first lesson but a test, to see if I'm smart and stubborn enough, wasn't it?" I say as I realise what just happened "well y/n you guessed, now shall we begin with the real lesson?" "ok, let's give it a go".

And after two hours straight of lesson we say goodbye and got back in our rooms. So I laid on my bed thinking about what I've just learned, and about Robin, well Frederick was right when he said that Robin was a really misteriose but that made him even more handsome to me.

After about an hour I herd someone screaming outside my door, so I take my sword and slam the door open to see a lot of armed people surrounding me but as I try to get back in my room and lock it up someone grabs me from behind disarming me and than tying my hands behind my back, I'm trying to kick him and flee, but he takes his dagger and stabs my leg, moving the dagger up and down to make sure I wouldn't move.

I want to scream in pain but the assassin presse his hand against my mouth, blocking the sound. Than he pressed his lips against my ear whispering "move a step and you're dead "

This situation looks familiar, it's the same situation I studied with Robin! But to turn the tides of battle I need an ally, someone to distract the others while I take out my hidden dagger and set myself free.

"Set her free, now" this familiar voice gets straight through my head reaching my heart, this is Robin! What is he doing ? The plan isn't supposed to go like this, maybe he has something else on his mind "not another step or else she's dead".

So he gets a step back, but just for a second, before stammering some words and throwing himself on me and the other man, the snipers try to shoot us and the man behind me tightens his grip on my neck suffocating me. Robin is faster than him and successfully throws a wind spell at his head, and even though the a lot of  snipers are shooting us their arrows disintegrate once they've reached a certain spot, the few words he spoke are a protective enchantment. Then he takes me in his arms, lifts me up and carry me to my room closing the door and locking it.

"T/n, please tell me you're fine, tell me they didn't hurt you " he says putting his right hand behind my shoulders and the left one on my cheek "my leg, I can't move it " the injury is pretty bad, luckily I always keep a set of bandages in my wardrobe, and Robin tends to my wound, then the assassins try to break in, pushing on the door

"In this conditions we can't fight, we need a plan to flee, think fast Y/n " in a second I look at the window "under my room there's Lissa's one so we have to to use the sheets as a rope to get down there and alert everyone, to gain some time we can push the wardrobe in front of the door" I suggest "good plan Y/n, your strategy surprisingly increased with adrenaline" how can he notice something like this in this situation? That's crazy.

We do as we planned and I'm the first reaching Lissa's room, Frederick is with her and as soon as he sees me he starts asking what happened, after a pair of seconds I didn't see Robin coming down so I got worried and looked up the window to see him fight with the assassins who sneaked in.

Even though Frederick doesn't trust Robin he got out of the room and tried to reach the other floor to help him "Robin, resist, Frederick is coming to help you!" But I herd no answer, different screams come from the upper floor, but I can do nothing to help my best friend and my crush, I feel useless and weak .

After the longest minutes of my life the knight and the tactician open the door "the fight is over, and we got a prisoner, maybe he can explain us what happened, I'll lead him to the prison immediately and then I'll inform Prince Chrom about the fight" Frederick announced, "and we've already checked if there were any survivors" Robin followed. Seeing them both alive and not hurt i tried to run in their direction, to hug them, but my leg didn't agree with my decision and decided to let me fall to the ground, like a fool.

"Slow down, I get that you're happy but you don't need to throw yourself on the ground to show it !" Robin is so sarcastic that I want to slap him, how could I fall for him like this ?

"I'm just glad you're safe, and that your plan worked"  I try to have a conversation with him "listen Robin, the strategy we learned today was really different, why did you change the plan?" And then he looks me straight in the eyes "sincerely, fuck strategy, if you're in danger I don't care about it anymore, you're more  important than all my schemes and plans" saying that he holds me closer until our noses touch "i love you y/n, since when I saw you the first time, when I woke up without my memories: you're  beautiful as a flower yet strong as a raging storm, and these are just two of the thousands reasons why I love you".Next thing I know are his lips pressed on my own, even if that doesn't last more than a pair of seconds that was magic.

When he push away he seem afraid of what he just did, like if he wasn't himself when he did this "I-I'm S-sorry, did I fuck up?" His scared eyes and trembling voice makes me giggle a bit, come on, it's obvious I like him back, how can he not see it "you're at the same time super smart but dumb as hell, and that's just one of the thousands reasons why I love you back" and pull him in once again, and keep it up for much more, until a voice stops us

"I knew it! I shipp you since when I saw you together first! I won the bet with Maribelle! "
Lissa, we totally forgot about her "well if we didn't fuck up first we did now " I whispered in Robin's ear "seems like we needed a better strategy" he whispered back.

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