Saizo x f!reader the file (request)

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Request by moonshivers

I'm one of lady Corrin's personal maids, I know her since I can remember, we're actually almost the same age. And when I say since I can remember I mean literally, I woke up without memories five years ago, and the first thing I saw waking up was lady Corrin's face, The only thing I knew was that my name was y/n and that until I found out my past again I'd be Corrin's retainer since I had nowhere else to go.I followed lady Corrin to the suicide mission and got kidnapped alongside her, and that was the beginning of the huge mess that yet had to come, lady Corrin's decided to join her real family in Hoshido, and I followed her. So that's where our story really began...

I was taking a stroll down the halls with some papers in hand until I felt a light sound behind my shoulders and turned around pulling out my hidden dagger, a red haired ninja had his eyes on me probably from a while "Saizo, shit, you scared me!" I said grabbing one of the paper sheets that fell because of the swift movement he didn't answer, just kept glaring at me "do you need anything?" I politely asked, his expression didn't change at all, I wasn't surprised, I haven't seen him leaving his angry ass frown

"you better not trying anything funny with that knife" after Corrin chose Hoshido over the family she grew up with this dumbass even had the courage to label her and me as possible traitors, not that I cared about myself, but after all lady Corrin did for Hoshido was unacceptable"tsk, if I wanted to do anything funny your head wouldn't be attached to your shoulders anymore" I replied cold as ice, and while I kept walking without facing him I added "now if you don't have anything smarter to say I'll be on my way" he groaned in annoyance, how could he expect a kind response to an insinuation like that, dumbass.

I brought the documents to lady Corrin only to see her smirking "I saw you talking to Saizo earlier~" she said with a tone that probably only Niles was sick enough to use "milady with all due respect I'd rather die than talk to him again, especially after he doubted your loyalty so many times!" She then proceeded to look at the rapports I brought her and I sat beside her while we together we planned out a strategy for the next battle, we always do this, planning strategies together is something that we love doing, especially when it means play any possible scenario to keep the biggest number of people alive, I love fighting but I'm not a big fan of  the killing part.

I kept scheming and chatting with Corin for all the afternoon but what I didn't notice was that a red haired ninja was listening to our conversation trying to find any 'evidence' of our potential betrayal, when I lifted my head from the mini map to look at the window I accidentally crossed eyes with him, so I headed to the window, he didn't move, probably because if he did he'd confirm what he was doing was absolutely wrong "you? Again? Don't you have anyone else to stalk?" I asked in annoyance, "I still don't trust any of you and if I have to keep an eye on the two of you to prevent you from scheming then so be it" he replied crossing his arms "actually we were studying a plan for our next battle, care to join us?" How could Corin talk so softly to that ungrateful dumbass was beyond me he was surprised by the request but nonetheless he accepted.

Since that battle went smoothly we decided not to change the winning team and to keep planning together, needless to say Saizo only kept coming with us to keep a close eye on us, and the first meetings usually ended up in hateful glares and poisonous words, but as time and mission passed the atmosphere in the planning room and on the battlefield was starting to cool down, Saizo kept teasing me and I kept doing the same, but there was less tension between us, one time I even saw him smile from under the mask.

One day Corrin was ill, and so she decided to trust me and Saizo to plan the strategy on our own, so I was walking down the corridor on my own, headed to Corin's studio, humming a song I liked, someone behind me laughed, it was kind of obvious who was he "still stalking me reddie?" I asked unamused by his dumb habitude "nice voice, I should change the nickname on your fascicle from traitor to songbird " he laughed out even more "fascicle? Wait, what?" I asked confused as hell "I keep a file on anyone I think is suspicious" doubt cleared, he still didn't trust me, how was I even hoping he trusted me a bit more.

My face dropped, and so did my tone "come on, the sooner we start the sooner we end " I said, he didn't noticed, but didn't say a thing either, at least he wasn't teasing me anymore. The planning hour goes by very fast, yet very awkwardly, usually when we're done we have a tea, but I wasn't in the right mood today, so i left without even saying goodbye "y/n, is anything wrong? You seem off" that dumb bastard! I didn't want to answer him, I didn't even turn around to face him.

As I walked out of the room he followed me, questioning me nonstop, needless to say I didn't say a word, after pretending to be my friend he admitted openly to have a whole entire file on me, after all we've been through he still labelled me as a traitor and now he had the audacity to pretend everything was alright? And even pretend to be worried about my well being?

Aside from questioning he did nothing, he luckily didn't try to grab my arms, much to my surprise, I reached my room and finally decided to tell him something "I'll see you tomorrow, on the battlefield" and closed the door behind myself, then I herd him mutter something over the door, something like 'I fucked up'.

The day of the battle came, and without Corrin on the field it was harder than usual, we splitted in three teams and due to a smile bomb thrown in my area I lost the sign of where I was, next thing I knew I was surrounded by Nohrian paladins led by non other than Xander, now I'm glad Corrin didn't came, so with a tight grip on my daggers I stood my ground, six against one wasn't that a fair fight, especially if the sixth knows your fighting style and is really strong as well.

I managed to eliminate four out of the six paladins, only Xander and one of his team member, but then I realised my weapons were either broken or so damaged I couldn't hold em, but I couldn't back down, giving up now could mean getting killed, or worse getting taken back to Nohr and imprisoned...

Xander unleashed his sword and tried to hit me with the magic attack I dodged the first, the second, but not the third hit, I fell backwards, with my back to the wall, immobilised by the pain I screamed and closed my eyes. I heard a anger cry coming from behind me "DIE!" The angry voice screamed, as I opened my eyes I saw an angry Saizo cutting off the paladin's head.

Smoke surrounded us "y/n, let's get outta here " he said helping me up and dragging me by wrist, when we reached a safe place he looked worriedly at me, we sat on the branch of a tree and he held me close as if he was afraid I'd die if left me "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" he said holding me closer, and he wasn't wearing his mask, it was the first time I saw him without it on "hey, I'm alright, don't worry" I say confused to say the least, since when did he care about me, yes we fought together, but he never did anything like that, maybe he did care about me after all...

As I sat on an infirmary bed for a check up, after Xander's strike I felt light headed and a bit nauseous, hope it wasn't for some sort of brain damage. It was sunset and i was looking outside the window when someone knocked on the door "come in" I said, a tall figure opened the door "Saizo? Since when you stalkers know how to knock?" I asked him teasingly, he stood silent, and lowered his head, after this embarrassing silence he decided to open his mouth "I'm sorry y/n " he said "what are you sorry about, you saved my life out there" he then handed me a pile of papers "I'm sorry I misguided you, thinking you'd be a traitor was the biggest mistake I've ever made, will you help me burning your file since it's no longer to use ?" He asked with a red tint on his cheek, since apparently he didn't have his mask on "I'd love to..." i took the file "...but not before I've read it!" I said opening it Saizo tried to stop me, but I was already reading out loud

"y/n, surname unknown
-probable traitor
-coming from Nohr
-main weapon:daggers
-danger level:9,5/10
-angelic voice
-h/c hairs and deep e/c eyes
And there's an erased comment here

bulshit, looking in her beautiful e/c eyes I see no trace of lie or dishonesty, the only reason why I wear a mask around her is to keep my completely red fluster cheeks hidden. just looking at her I doubt everything I've written on these stupid papers, being harsh on her is a stupid protocol I have to keep for pure precautions, I don't believe she's a traitor, but she could turn at any moment... shit, how could I fell in love with someone who could be a Nohrian spy..."

I lifted my head up to see his reaction, his cheeks from slightly pink became the same colour as his hair "you weren't supposed to read it" he hesitantly said, not knowing how to react I just sat there silently, he turned around embarrassed "I think I'll go..." he said, instinctively I grabbed his arm "please stay" I weakly said as another wave of headache stroke me, hearing my pained voice he turned around and sat beside me, holding me "I love you too" I muttered still squeezing my eyes in pain, then I just turned my head and pressed my lips into his, that kiss was way better than ma painkiller

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