Pj party with the black eagles 2 Ferdinand x reader

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"My oh my, look at who ends up winner this time~" I sang to myself helping my friend (more like punching bag ) off of the floor "shoot, I've almost won this time, next time I'll kick your ass" Caspar said adjusting his jaw after a punch "in your dreams Cassy, gotta go, Ferdinand asked me out to tea" I say packing up my stuff "maybe this time he'll actually be brave enough to ask you out" Dorothea smirked getting ready from her next sword training as a dancer "haha, real funny Thea, the day he'll like me back you'll get a false note during opera and fat pigs'll fly" I said turning around and trying to leave, until a familiar hand rested on my shoulder "hon, take the condoms anyway~" Dorothea teased one more time, fine, if it's a war she wants " well, you could lend me yours since you won't need them with Ingrid " after that I left the training ground sticking out my tongue at Thea, while she said "oh girl, I'm getting my revenge for this, just wait for tonight!", while a confused Caspar looked at us.

It is true, do have a soft spot for Ferdinand, but nevertheless I know I may have noble parents, but my manners are as noble like as a mercenary and as elegant as a demonic beast, whenever my parents tried to make me learn bon-ton I was outside training with my W/p, it was the only way to stay as far as I could for them

Even though we acted really differently, Bernie and I shared a similar past, and that is why I'm really close to her. And although I tried to keep it secret I told her, and accidentally ended up telling Ferdinand about it and about my irrational fear of darkness, the two of us were working on a project together he accidentally brought up the topic, I had a sudden mood swing, and went silent for the rest of the job, he eventually noticed and asked what was wrong, I tried to play it cool but eventually I broke down and told him everything, ever since then he actually became a bit more caring, and often chatted with me, or even just asked me how was it going

The stream of my thoughts was interrupted by a voice "y/n, perfectly on time, as always " Ferdinand said with a smile, "I see you have a perfect timing as well" I replied smiling at him, "here, take, I made a cup for you (favourite tea), is it your favourite, right?" Asked the orange haired student handing me a cup "you remembered..." I said looking down at my cup, "of course I did, I must admit you have really good tastes it's one of my favourites too, come, sit" and saying this he pulled back the chair for me

"Say, it's rare for the black eagles to have p j parties, we haven't had one in years " he said sipping from his cup of tea,  "really? Then why now? " I asked taking a cookie from the tray and dipping it into the tea " it' rare for people to join our house, especially with Hubert intimidating everyone who tries, we do need to celebrate" at this statement i was quiet shocked, celebrating? for me? It was really odd.

Ferdinand noticed that after the statement we both fell into an uncomfortable silence, and so he decided to change topic "since the meeting time is pretty late, it's gonna be really dark outside do you want me to accompany you?" He asked well aware of my fear "I'd love it, of course if it's not too much trouble for you" "of course I don't mind, in fact it would be my pleasure " he replied, the both of us finished our teas an when we were about to go our separate ways I called him

"Ferdinand" my voice was just a bit more than a whisper, but the orange haired boy suddenly stopped and turned around "yes y/n" I looked down feeling a bit guilty, I mean, whenever it was dark he had to stay with me me and help me hide my frail personality from the other classmates "I'm sorry you have to basically babysit me all the time" when I lifted my glance to look at his face he was smiling warmly "there's nothing you need to worry about, plus helping a friend doesn't mean babysitting, or at least not until that friend is eight" he joked, at that I giggled a bit too "well, so is helping friends part of your noble duties?" I asked teasingly "why of course, the duty of a noble is to help who's in need, but with you it's a completely different case..." he said lost in his own mind "Ferdinand?" I asked hoping to get an answer, but the bells interrupted us "sorry y/n, I have to go, I'll see you later" Ferdinand said, running away and disappearing in the distance.

What could he mean by different case anyway?

I spent all the afternoon thinking about it, until someone knocked on my door, it was Ferdinand, so I opened the door and politely smiled "shall we go?" He asked offering me returning the smile "sure, I'm ready" I said taking my pillow, when we finally arrived the others were all there, and soon we started playing truth or dare, let's just say it didn't go according to my plans

"dare" I answered boldly to Thea as she challenged me, "stay five minutes closed in the closet with Ferdinand" i was terrified, but I needed to play it cool if I wanted to hide my fear to the others "alright, take the timer" as we walked to the closet I glanced at Ferdinand, he understood that from now on I probably wouldn't be able to talk normally "have fun~"the songstress said to which Ferdinand replied "trust me, we will" closing the door and preventing any light to filtrate from the cracks

As soon as the door closed I started shaking, everything I touched turned into a monster that wanted to devour me, I placed my hand on my mouth preventing myself from screaming, when I felt a hand on my shoulder I flinched, to calm down only when I heard Ferdinand's soft voice "don't worry y/n, it's just me" not knowing what to do I hugged him, burying my head in what I thought was his chest, my suspects were confirmed when I heard his calm heartbeat, he wrapped his arms around me and just held me "if we don't talk too loudly they can't hear us, don't worry" "please, don't leave me, don't leave me to the monsters" I muttered with my voice muffled by his cloths, but Ferdinand heard me nonetheless, tightening his grip on me "I'm not leaving you y/n, if the monsters want to catch you they'll have to get me first"

We stood there in complete silence until he decided to talk again "when earlier I said you were a different case I didn't mean that I pitied you, or nothing of the sort, it meant that it's every lover's duty making feel their loved one safe, I love you y/n, and I promise you I'll become stronger than Edelgard so I can protect you from your monsters " Ferdinand cupped my face, pulling me in slowly so I had time to push him away if I wanted, but I didn't, when our lips were close enough I moved his hands from his chest and wrapped them around his neck, and with one last pull our lips touched, and none of us could resist that contact

"Time's up guys!" Dorothea said spreading open the doors of the closet to reveal us in eachother's arms, now Thea'll make fun of me forever, but fuck that, it was more than worth it

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