Chrom x reader- rescuing her

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"Y/n, Y/n, where are you?" That's Frederick "I'm here, but why are you looking for me?" I was sitting on a rock next to the river, having a break .Since Robin arrived I spend a lot of time helping him with the battle plans, we both are tacticians but while he fights mostly with magic I mostly use sword, I learnt how to swing my sword before even knowing how to write my name (cit. Felix) in a sparring session I disarmed and knocked down Chrom himself.

"Chrom and robin wanted to see you, there's an emergency " and as Frederick leads the way to the castle I see Lissa's worried face "what happened?" I ask trying to keep my calm " Gangrel attacked and destroyed a village near to the south border" "not even a war declaration? That's wired" and than Lissa cuts me off "and they have an hostage, poor Maribelle" fuck, that's messed up "that coward bastard!" Maribelle is one of my best friends, she is like a sister to me, knowing she is in danger makes me angrier than ever "there is no time to waste, Robin and I will plan a strategy, you just have to be ready, we'll leave at dawn" having said that Robin and I storm out of the room, and we get to my tent, we'll meet them in a spot a pair of miles away from the village, I have the map and I also know their plan well, they want us to fall in their trap but we'll send some patrol teams around the area, to attack them from both sides, I shall leave these battalions to Virion, Cordelia and Sthal.

Robin is tiered and goes to sleep, but I keep thinking how is Mary and how they may be treating her, if they touch a sigle hair on her head iI'll...

But as I think that someone shakes me out of my thoughts "Y/n, can I come in? I have to speak to you in private" It's Chrom, what is he doing here? "Of course, what do you need to tell me? " and so I open the tent and lead him inside "I've never seen you so worried about a mission up to now and I wanted to check up on you, whatever's wrong you can tell me, you know Y/n?" Even though the situation is dire Chrom noticed that something was wrong and found the time to come and check up uno me, I'm glad to have a friend like him.
"Thanks for your support (and for your S-support too😏), I can't stop thinking about Maribelle, she is like a sister to me and I fear that the plegians may be hurting her right now" and an horrible thought crosses my mind " maybe even killing her" I start trembling, I couldn't bare losing her, I can't even bare thinking about it.

Someone snaps me out of these orribile thoughts once more, Chrom's arms are holding mine as he looks me right in l my E/c eyes "don't lose your temper, distracting like this on the battlefield won't help, the only way you can help her is fighting as best as you can, Robin showed me your strategy, and I think it's perfect, even if she's hurt we can easily clear a path and bring her far from the battlefield", and before I even realise I find myself crying on his shoulders while he hugs me tight "what if I'm not strong or smart enough to protect her?" "You are, trust me, don't underestimate yourself, I believe in you, the whole army believes in you, your strategies never failed, and I'm sure they won't fail this time, you have to believe in yourself just like we all believe in you" and as he keeps trying to comfort me I start to feel much better and stop crying.
And as I calm I realise what just happened fuck, fuck, Prince Chrom is here hugging me, that is impossible, "thank you Chrom, I feel so much better now" I say giving him a warm smile "I'm glad to here that" he says as he returns the smile "now that you feel better I have to go, sleep well" after giving me the last squeezer leaves the tent. That night I lay in bed thinking of any possible scenario, but this time focusing on how to save everyone.

"If you want her alive you better hand over the shield of flames" Gangrel says as Aversa and two other bandits hold firmly Mary, than other bandits surround us, just like Robin and I planned, virion and ricken take out the two bandits next to Mary, but Aversa missed the shot and is ready to take her back, without thinking I run towards her and as I push her into Lissa's arms and so Aversa takes me instead, disarming me, all my friends look shocked, Robin and Chrom more than anyone.

"thanks to your disgusting noble sacrifice we now have a better hostage, I bet that the prince is more than willing to trade both the shield of flames and his life for you, what was the point of it?" Aversa whispers in my ear while wrapping me in her arms and pressing a knife against my neck, what she doesn't know is that now I'm smiling, because I know that this is not my time to die "the point is kicking you in your ass face" I'm much stronger than her so I block her arm and pull out a dagger from my sleeve, and hit her right in her shoulder and knee, as I punch her face and kick her right in the  stomach she falls to the ground and then I try tu run away, Aversa throws her dagger right in the back of my leg making me fall too, five bandits surrounds me and blocks me, one of them is on my chest, ready to hit my head with an axe.

I close my eyes ready for the hit, but all I hear is the swing of a sword, and a pair of arms grabbing me and lifting me up, I slowly open my eyes and see a certain blue-haired Prince "Robin! Cover me, I'm taking Y/n to Lissa" and than he starts referring to me "What in Naga's name were you doing? You could have died, I was worried sick for you!" And while talking he pulls me closer to his chest "I'm so sorry, this is the first fight Aversa and Gangrel doesn't fight together, I didn't forecast the situation well enough, so I made what I thought was right, and saved Maribelle " I said not have her the courage to look at his eyes.

"Please, don't scare me like this anymore I, I love you "(well this escalated quickly), by now I couldn't be happier I hook my arms around his neck and kiss him.

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