Chap 16: Gunshots

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* Anger bubbled inside of you. How could he? Why would he? You weren't sure but you were sure on one thing; you had to handle this mission on your own. *

You put on your combat boots as you let out another huff. To say that you were angry would be an understatement. You had to find Jimin. Regardless of the amount of times you thought about this, you could only draw up one conclusion to Jimin's disappearance and Yoongi's odd behavior. You equipped yourself with weapons and got into your car.

He won't get away with this.

You barged into Yoongi and Hobi's home. The door clanged loudly and you thought that it may fly off its hinges. You stomped into the room, calling out for Yoongi.

"Yoongi! Come out! I know you are home!" you shouted at the blue walls.

You heard a grunt of disapproval and a disheveled Yoongi came into your sight. He had a very tired face as he looked at you curiously. "You are the one who has Jimin, aren't you?" you asked as you tried to control yourself from hitting him.

"What are you-" he was about to ask you something when you pulled out your gun, pointing it at him.

"Tell me the truth Min Yoongi," you said with a glare as you moved towards him.


"Where is Jimin?"

"I really-" he was saying moving back, trying to put distance between the two of you, when he stumbled a little upon the couch behind him. As he tried to find balance again, a pack of cigarettes fell out of the pocket of his grey sweatpants.

You eyed the cigarette pack and then looked at Yoongi. He didn't smoke, so why did he have a cigarette pack? So your suspicion was right? Yoongi is the one behind Jimin's disappearance?

"Why did you? I thought I could trust you," you said, feeling a little disappointed and hurt that Yoongi was the one.

"Wait-" he started, but you cut him off with a punch.

"I hate you," you said as you hit him again.

He fell to the floor and tried to stand upright. You knew Hobi wouldn't be at home. Does this mean that Hobi was involved too? Was he also helping Yoongi with his dirty business of keeping tabs on the agency? You didn't know who you could trust anymore.

You took the opportunity of him being unable to walk for a brief moment to push him into a chair and tie him with an extra pair of ropes that you were carrying. He struggled in your hold and tried to escape, but sat quietly as soon as pain shot up through his torso.

"Y/N-" he tried to say something but you gagged him with a towel that was laying on the couch.

"Not another word," you said as you held his neck. "I need to get Jimin back, and I think it would be better if you won't be an obstacle in my way and aren't able to contact anybody. I can't trust anybody anymore," you said as you slapped him one last time as he looked at you with wide eyes before sneering at him and walking out of the home.

After you made sure that there wasn't a mole anymore, you rushed to the location that was sent to you. You weren't thinking straight. All you could think was that you had to get Jimin out of there and help him. You were ready to go through a suspension, termination, anything for the hasty decisions you would have to make. Jimin, Jimin, Jimin was the only thing that you could think of.

You held the gun close to your chest as you moved in the abandoned warehouse. Dust was settled everywhere and the metal sheets that made the roof creaked with the gusts of wind. You walked carefully, keeping your eyes and ears open for any signs of danger. Your carefulness was thrown out of the window once you saw Jimin. He was sitting at the end of the room with his hands and legs mercilessly tied to the chair with a gag in his mouth, his tail hanging low along with his head. You had to free him.

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