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Namari pov
*3 days later*
Ok so it been a few days and I have calmed down from the events that accord 3 days ago and me and all my partners have talked now we are waiting for all the kids to come down for a family meeting which everyone is downstairs except you guessed it Lyriz Zemira Williams "bae can you please go get her so we can start" I said to kymarli and yes before y'all ask in them three days we talked about being back in a relationship and I said yes because I really need these people in my life to feel grounded my life just makes sense with them in it "yeah I got you" he gave me a quick forehead kiss then ran up stairs to get our demon child and after a few seconds of him being up there we heard thudding and nonstop screaming but after like 15 minutes kymarli had her hanging over his should with a scratch on his cheek and then he kinda tossed her on the couch and walked away but she tired to stand up again "I swear to everything I love if you get off that couch" ky said with venom laced in his words clearly angry but Soriah just put her arm on his shoulder and sat him down "Lyric take a seat so we can begin please" I said very nicely with a slight smile which just got an eye roll o from her as she flopped down on the couch but I just ignored it "ok guy so do y'all remember when I said something thing in the house have to change but then I told y'all I didn't know when well now is the when because I have came to realize I have been overworking myself trying to make everything perfect for y'all to love and respect me but do that I was literally driving myself crazy and by no means was it y'all I'm just a perfectionist but from now on Ajani is head dominant of the house then it's Soriah and Jahkarri then it's me and kymarli and now that he is for real head dominant some of the rules have changed but not drastically and the new rules are sent in the family group chat but I think that's everthing if I'm not mistaken do y'all have any questions almost everybody hands raise "yes Miracle" she looked really upset "damn we didn't mean to stress you out I thought we all were doing really good we sorry" everybody started mumbling in agreement and I just said "hey guys it's ok I already said it's not y'all fault ok It was me stressing my own self out it's ok" it looked like a weight lifted off of there shoulders and I asked "anymore questions" everybody shook there head no but lyric raised her hand "yes Lyirc" she rolled her eyes really hard at my nice tone I had with everybody because I was in a good mood and said "is we fucking done so I can go back in my room" i just shook my head and started to tell her yes but I was quickly interrupted my Ajani
Ajani pov
So I know what Lyric has been doing Namari use to do the same thing but Lyric is a little more extreme then what Mari was but I didn't go for that shit then I'm damn sure not going for it now "aye now that this meeting is over ima need you in the playroom butt ass naked bout time all 5 of us get up there and don't even think about playing with me go" I said directly to lyric and I could tell my voice sent shivers down her spine but she didn't move so I walked up close to her ear and whispered "if I have to carry you upstairs this is gonna be the worst 3 weeks of your life" I guess she understood how much trouble she was in and jogged upstairs "ok now you three it's only 4:30 y'all can all pick somewhere to go together just be back by 9:30 ard" they all nodded their head but I need verbal answer "I'm daddy to y'all from now on we are not brushing over rules anymore y'all have to follow them full out now or there will be consequences" they all nodded and said "yes daddy" I smiled at them not then reach down in my sweat pants pocket handing Miracle my card "don't go crazy be responsible we love y'all and have fun ok" we got showered with lots of "I love you too" and hugs then  ran upstairs to get dressed seeing as though we were all bummy today "ight yall ready" all my partners said yes but then Mari grabbed on to my waist hugging me and said "please don't be so hard on her it's her first punishment daddy" I just chuckled "mamas I'm not I'm just gonna give her what she's been asking for" she just shook her head because she already knows my dick isn't little and it even took her a few months to get use to it "ok just be gentle ok" I looked down at mari holding in to my waist and tilted her chin up so she's looking at me "listen mamas I would never break rules or boundaries with her and I won't go to far I was gentle with you wasn't I" she just huffed then let me go to start walking up the steps while everyone followed her the she finally made it to the playroom were the door was wide open I then walked In front of everybody to see a naked Lyric sitting on the bed on her phone I rolled my eyes uncontrollably and just stripped down to my underwear and everybody followed then we walked into the playroom standing in our spots  I hope this isn't gonna go bad

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