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Namari pov
*2 days later*
So it's been two days since I got my fuck world rocked by my exes and I took a little break from everything because boy when I tell you it feels like my body got hit by a Mac truck and I went 3 round with mike Tyson you'll never know the feeling like I feel like they made that day there soul purpose in life but anyways right now I'm on the couch editing the video we made because it wasn't ready for me to send to landen yet and I really haven't heard from him in like the past two days to send it to him because I said I wasn't feeling good and I got a stomach bug from the school little does he know they only thing I had in my stomach was some dick hehehe but anyways he freaked out bad and said he was just gonna stay with his mom until I felt better because he has to work and he doesn't have time to be around me catching anything I caught from that school his words not mine and to be honest I don't know why that bothers me so much because I know he's an ass wipe but if I really got sick this pussy would just leave here by myself I really can't stand that nigga *ring ring ring* "hello" "best what you doing" creed called me and he sound led really breathy and upset "I'm just sitting on the couch in recovery" I said with a little chuckle "why wassup what's wrong"  I said concerned "I just honestly want to get out of this house because Yara has been picking argument with me lately because I haven't been able to go into little space and she kept fucking with me and she pissed me off so I yelled at her to get the fuck outta my face and go sit down somewhere now I'm in trouble by Major for making her cry and I tried to sit there and explain why I yelled but he didn't wanna hear anything I said and now I'm just sitting in my car trying to cool down before I get a divorce and set my damn house on fire" uhh I don't know if I have said this before but Yara's little age is younger than Ja'Cree's I think hers is like 2/3 and Creeds is 5 so there for Yara kinda acts childish in her real life to for example simple shit like bugging and pestering cree like a little kid and sometimes she as a bit more energy then all of us but it's fine because it normally doesn't bother any of us but for the past few weeks creed hasn't been able to get into little space because of stress he doesn't know it but as his best friend and a therapist I have know choice but to notice stuff like that he is stressed because Major is barely home because he owns a copy called true2lyfe it's a clothing brand and he stays very long hours and while Ja'Cree and Yara also work there being a ceo of a company is hard and takes a lot of time so about the time they all get time to there selves Major is dead tired so it has forced Cree to damn near become a full time dominant to Yara "Ja'Cree you know you love them to much to get a divorce y'all are just going through little bumps in the rode right now but if it helps if you wanna you can stay in my guest room for a few days or as long as you need to to feel better" I could see that Cree started to get cloudy eyes and he let a few tears drop "please mari I'm going crazy" "best it's fine you didn't have to call me crying you could have just came over with a suitcase I wouldn't mind I know what your going through right so you pack your shit and I'll talk to Major" he sniffed a few more times then said "ok I'll pack my bags I'll be over your house In a little while" "ight bet but stop all that crying I don't want anybody think my best friend a bitch" he chuckled then said "never that but ight I got you I love you" "I love you too see you later" *call ends* ight I guess ima get my big ass up to go save my bestie
*time jump
Ok so I just walked into true2lyfe and walked straight to the elevator because I'm one of the people on his exceptions list so I can go up to his office whenever without having to go through the front desk but anyways it took a few seconds on the elevator then I walked straight into his office after putting in the PIN number and see him with tunnel vision locked on his computer "hey Major" he looked up from  his computer surprised then slowly closed it "hey mari what are you doing here and where Cree" he said with concerns on his face "well uhhh earlier Cree called me crying saying that he didn't know what to do with himself and he is very stressed out so I came here to tell you that he would be staying with me for a while" I could see Major getting upset but he calmed himself down and asked me "well what's wrong why is he stressing what happened" "well he didn't really tell me but as his best friend ima give you a idea of what I thinks going on ever since your business has started to rocket you have had less time for Cree and Yara which is forcing Cree to suppress his submission and to become more of a dominant to Yara since your not around as much and it's forced him to not be able to go into little space and it's stressful on him" Major's face kept getting visibly more upset "damn mari I haven't even noticed I've just been trying to work hard and create a better life for us and our future I have even noticed I've been neglecting them" I chuckled because at least he had there best interest in mind "it's ok you had a good mindset but this really happens to the best of us but for now I suggest you get a co ceo quick or if you have one start to even out the work load so you have more time with them but for right now Ja'Cree will be at my house feel free to come get him when your ready and I talked to Asia earlier Yara will be with her please get it together because I don't want y'all to end up like me" I gave him a small smirk then grabbed my purse making my way out the door I really hope that this talked worked I don't want anybody to feel the way I feel right now

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