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Namari pov
"Mari wake up Mari it's time to get up come on" it's Saturday if this person doesn't get out of my face I'm not even sure I can walk properly "go away," I said putting the covers over my head but they quickly got snatched off and I felt some weight on my body so my eyes shot open to me seeing Lyric inches away from my face "what ly" she made a pouty face at me and said, "Mari I'm hungry" I rolled my eyes because I know I'm not the only person in this house capable of cooking "where is everybody and why you just didn't make your food y'all are allowed in the kitchen" she pouted once again saying "I don't know how to cook and Mr.black, Mr. Prince Mr.Kingsley, Aries are downstairs in the Theater playing PlayStation Ms.rose took Miracle to the grocery store but I didn't wanna go and Ezzy is in his room watching tv" I sat up from under Lyric and groaned "when we are in the house please address them as the names we asked, and did you ask them" "I tried but they had on the headset and yelled over my voice I don't talk that loud and Ezzy can't cook either" I groaned loudly again out of frustration, not at anyone, in particular, I'm just mad I got woken up "ok I'll cook you some food but let me get In the shower and stuff And I'll be right with you" she smiled at me from ear to ear saying "can I get in with you" I didn't smile or laugh because one I was still tired two is I meant what I said "what did we say Lyric" she scuffed I'm disapproval and said "still not fair" then she got off me walking out my room and disappeared down the hallway
*time jump*
Ight I just got out the shower and I just put on a black bralette and some shorts because We are staying in the house today and I went down and went to the theater room the unplugged the game and watched all head snap back to me "what's wrong why would you do that" Aries said looking highly confused "bro so y'all just wasn't gonna feed Lyric she's been in my room for an hour and didn't even nobody check on her y'all niggas make me sick" I said dropping the cord and walking back upstairs I'm so fucking mad yo like they really was just gonna leave her hungry wooow but anyways I got to the kitchen and it's about 12:00pm so ima just make lunch what's in this fridge so I opened it and seen damn near nothing I see why Soriah went shopping "ok Ly ima just order something to eat can you please go upstairs and get Ezzy so I can feed everybody at once" "ok I got you" then she quickly ran upstairs while I got on door dash "NAMARI" I heard my name being called from around the corner of the kitchen "yes Ajani" I don't give a fuck if I get in trouble these niggas pissing me off like what's up but he found me leaning over the kitchen island on my phone and snatched it out of my hands and turned me around sitting on the table "ayo wassam with you why you being like this you just got in trouble not even 12 hours ago are you in a bad mood like what" I rolled my eyes and said "y'all could play that fucking game but can't feed that girl it's 12:00 Ajani she could be starving" "stop fucking calling me that and I thought she went with Soriah she said she was taking all of them except Aries because he wasn't hungry" I started to push him back from i between my legs because I started to get more and more irritated "so you could check around the house and make sure because the only one of them that left was Miracle" Ajani took a long breath and I could tell he was trying to calm himself down "did you take your medicine this morning Namari or matter of fact have you been taking your medicine at all" so guys I have anxiety,depression,bipolar disorder, and anger issues I was diagnosed with all of them after we got that restraining order against my mother and I have been taking medication ever since but when I moved here my medicine got lost or missed places on the way and I have been to busy to order more of it and In my defense I have been doing good until like the last 3 days "nah but I'm cool though we are not gonna flip this on me your wrong and you just don't wanna admit it" he shook his head at me "Namari I know I made a mistake and I apologize but you just can't be not taking your medicine you promise you were gonna get more after your last episode" ok so I have had more than 1 episode but in my defense they were all triggered if nobody fucks with me I'm fine "I just keep forgetting it's no big deal" "Mari your a therapist you out of all people should know that it's a huge deal to not take your medication I'm calling your dad to see if he can get you some more medicine since you think it's not that big of a deal" I rolled my eyes but I knew he was doing the right thing so I just turned my head away from him "I don't care if your upset this is a little immature of you Mari I'm disappointed in you you have to do better mama" he caressed my face one more time before walking upstairs to probably get his phone and call my dad "Mari I got Ezzy what are we eating" I heard from behind me and I quickly wiped away the tears that were about to call and said In a happy ton "uhhh I don't know I was gonna go on ubereats and let y'all pick and before that can of of you get Aries please I don't know if he's ate or not" lyric nodded her head and ran to the theater room

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