A Blow of Egos

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Lemme just say now that any Jimmy Bae fans reading this will not be getting fed this chapter (unlessyouhaveadegradationkink) lmaooo

The alternative title for this chapter was "And Miraculously, It Somehow Got Worse." Hope you enjoy it!


Chapter 5: A Blow of Egos


"My Big, Fat, Fabulous Mouth!" Coming to you at TLC, Monday afternoon!

It's official, I've been nominated for the Darwin award. No contenders, just my unbelievable dumbass who's a shoe in to win at this point because surely, surely something must've got screwed up in my family's gene pool during the past if I'm out here making stupid, life-threatening mistakes like this!

Bae's glare was making me weak in the knees and not in the "Omg he's so hot!" kind of way. More like the "Omg I'm about to pass out from fear!" kind of way.

"Aye," I nearly choked as he stood up and began walking towards me. "I don't appreciate getting lip from women who aren't my mom and even then, that shit gets annoying as hell."

With every step he took, my heart was getting closer to going into cardiac arrest. I shot up from my chair, nearly toppling it over. My body was tense, and I found myself squaring my hips and positioning my feet without meaning to. I was under no delusion of fighting him of course, but it was as if I was on autopilot; my fight or flight instincts compelling me to go on either the defense or offense.

He was soon standing before me and though the front desk separated us, it did nothing to lessen the threat he posed. As far as I knew, he could easily smash it into pieces.

He stared at me for a few moments before shooting me a taunting smile. "Hm? What's wrong girl? You cold or something?"

I crossed my arms in front of me, gripping my wrist with a shaky hand. 'Stop trembling!' I wanted to scream at myself. 'Show him you aren't scared! Be confident for once in your life!' But such things are easier said than done. Because no matter what, I couldn't stop trembling. I couldn't stop feeling scared. I...couldn't be confident. Because whenever the opportunity came to prove myself, to show my worth and my skills, I blow it every time. I become nothing but a weak, trembling coward...just like she said I was.

Bae stared at me some more before scoffing derisively. "C'mon now, you can't just say shit and not expect to be confronted about it. What, you think 'cause you're a girl I wouldn't do something? That's some old fashion thinking right there."

I grit my teeth before muttering, "T-That's...not it."

"Ha? I'm mistaken then? Well then why don't you clarify it for me, girl."

"...I..." I cleared my throat, grimacing at how closed up and dry it felt. "I misspoke...I didn't mean to say that out l-loud."

"Oh really?" He mused, looking up at the ceiling in thought. "Ah, I see, I see. So that means you were the mistaken one, not me. Is that what you're saying?"

'Wha- how did he reach that conclusion?' I gaped at him, bewildered. Seeing this, his smirk widened as he went on.

"Right, of course you made a mistake, 'cause there's no way would you purposefully talk back to me all haughty like, especially after seeing what I did to that Eunjang shit-stain. That would be stupid, and you're not stupid, are you?"

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